Seeking Organic & Paleo/primal Food Buddies (And Info)

Now that we're on the subject, does anyone know where a person can get magnesium oil? I think it is magnesium oxide? I can't get magnesium tablets in any but 100mg. Ridiculous. I used to take 500 a couple times a day. But the magnesium oil is rubbed on the skin. I thought maybe that is available here. I know you can get little plastic jars of magnesium oxide flakes in the pharmacy. Any other ideas? .
..good thread guys and great that we can share our discoveries.

Another question. Has anyone found kale in BA?
Marco Polo have not found kale here. Swiss chard is abundant though

Arlean : Magnesium is on my search list too. I have not had enough time to look into it yet but magnesium chloride seems to be the most bioavailable according to some sources. if that is the case it should be easy to get hold of. Failing that Epsom Salts or magnesium sulfate which costs 2 pesos for a 25 g sachet.

Magnesium oil ready prepared I have not seen. You make it with magnesium chloride though not oxide.I will go to a quimica this weekend if I get therebin time .If I go and you want me to pick some mag chloride up for you let me know.

I have also used 500 mg magnesium citrate tablets from Farmacity. They are around 180 pesos for 90 tablets , have only mag and you need to ask at the counter instead of looking in the supplement section.

If you want to look for small amounts of stuff yourself homoepathic pharmacies are good for non branded stuff sold loose.
HelaineT, this post has been very informative for me as well and I request that you do keep us posted on what you come to find going forward!! Thank you!
..good thread guys and great that we can share our discoveries.

Another question. Has anyone found kale in BA?

A friend of a friend wrote on a facebook wall about the *possibility* of a (expensive) kale discovery... will post if I hear more on that.
Just hit the motherload.... Pick Up the Fork is a food blog for restaurants/eats in BA and she has an entire section on Organic places which includes many that we've already mentioned here and more!! Check it out:
yeah i think after a time we should correlate all the extensive info into an easy to ready buying guide or something.....

i don't mean to accidently put myself forward for the job, i'm just putting it out there...
If we keep our comments and investigation results in this thread, DJSavWar, it should then be a cinch for anyone who wants to take on the project.

Thanks for the link, lucha54!
Aleina Dee I have been missing some o f these posts. You got 500 mg magnesium at Farmacity???. I'm shocked and amazed. I could not find over 100, though I could find the flakes but I can't stand to sit in a bathtub long enough to make that work. I'll sure be checking at a Farmacity. I've heard that the magnesium oil is better assimilated with a lot of people but . . . . we take what we can find! (Magnesium oil is something you rub on y our skin in case anyone doesn't know).

This is one fantastic thread. You all are great. I'll be saving all this.
I made it to el galpon last week. I could not find grass fed beef but did manage to get some huevos de campo, grass-fed butter and organic yoghurt. There were also small jars of coconut oil for cooking for about 70 pesos which were just too expensive for me.

On the topic of magnesium, does anyone know if epson salts are available here?