Setting Up A Monotributista


Mar 10, 2012
Happy Sunday - got my 12k run in today. However, I did it in the rain before the sun came out. Yes, I'm a masochist.

Along those same lines, I'm starting a business and need a bit of general advice on setting up a Monotributista.

Q's. Where do I go to set this up? How long does it take to get it active? Is it a complicated process or fairly straightforward?

Many thanks in advance.

Involves a trip to AFIP, so be prepared to spend 1/2 a day there and bring copies of everything
Depends what you want to do, up to category E ( 12k per month stated income) you don't have to file rent, expenses electronically.
Depends on your situation what you want to acheive
The monotributo categories can be found here:

Sup. Afectada, Energía Eléctrica Consumida Anualmente & Monto de Alquileres Devengados Anualmente only relate if you have store/commercial property etc.

The Inscription process, what you need, where to go etc. start here:

Make sure you get a clave fiscal whilst at the AFIP office then you can login and do everything on line in in the future like re-catagorisation, check payments etc. You can set up a debito automitico with the bank you contribution is automatically debited once a month.

If you will pay Ingresos Brutos or if you pay Bienes Personales it can all be administered from the same AFIP account with your clave fiscal
My first business idea was a brothel, but my wife said ABSOLUTELY NO ... that all the income from a brothel would be cash and don't bother with the monotributista.

I have a handful of American home owners who want me to lease and manage their apartments here in BA. I won't need retail space.
hahahaha....interesting first idea. If you don't have a CUIT/CUIL yet, you will need to go to ANSES to get the CUIT/CUIL number, which will then be needed by AFIP for the monotrubutista application.
I was wondering if you ended up getting your monotributista status in the end? What was the process? I have my DNI, CUIL, and a bank account here, but want to get the lowest category of monotributista (income of less than 10k per month). I am on AFIP's website but the majority of the links that are supposed to give step by step directions are broken (surprising?!) I have heard through the grapevine setting up the most basic category of monotributista is easy, but I don't have any hard facts on what papers to present and where. Appreciate any input based on your experience!
I watched my wife go through all this. AFIP seemed the easier part, ANSES was quite a pain in the ass unless you're willing to pay for an accountant. My first bit of advice would be that if it's at all possible, run in black for a while, like for a year or so, to make sure your business is taking off the ground. If it fails you either have to keep paying in or cancel your status, and I believe there was some rule about if you cancel, you can't restart it for 3 years - correct me if I'm wrong. I would wait until you are fully on the radar before going monotributista.
Find an accountant, they shouldn´t charge too much and it will save you a WORLD OF HURT. There are so many changes all the time, different taxes to file, deadlines, etc I highly recommend it. Also, the AFIP website is so confusing, you need to be an accountant to understand it (and I think that is on purpose).
I was wondering if you ended up getting your monotributista status in the end? What was the process? I have my DNI, CUIL, and a bank account here, but want to get the lowest category of monotributista (income of less than 10k per month). I am on AFIP's website but the majority of the links that are supposed to give step by step directions are broken (surprising?!) I have heard through the grapevine setting up the most basic category of monotributista is easy, but I don't have any hard facts on what papers to present and where. Appreciate any input based on your experience!

The lowest category for a monotributista is Category B for those that earn up to $48,000 a year. If you are going to declare $10,000 a month you should be in Category E
If you are already registered in AFIP's system, you can process your monotributo application directly from their website. You need to have a clave fiscal and also need to have your "datos biometricos" complete which means they have a picture and fingerprints for you on file. Those things you will have to get done at the AFIP office closest to your home address. There are some links on the AFIP webpage that appear to be eternally broken. The problem is the AFIP website does not work with every browser. Try both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, if the links don't work in one, they'll work in the other browser. If you still have problems on the AFIP page with Internet Explorer, click Tools, Compatibility View Settings and enter the page address there. It should work. Also if you have a full time job in "relación de dependencia" you can ALSO be a monotributo and you will only pay 1 of the 3 taxes, the "Impuesto Agregado". For example if you are category 'C' monotributista and you pay the full amount of $378 per month, if you begin to work a job "en blanco" your employer pays the "obra social & SIPA" portions for you as an employee. It would only cost you $75 pesos per month to continue being monotributista, and be able to bill people for your services or collect rent en blanco. This applies to the categories from 'B' through 'I', categories 'J', 'K' & 'L' don't qualify, the are only for those who sell actual physical items (cosas muebles, no servicios).