Sexo = F. What the...

jimdepalermo said:
Speaking of "card," nico, did you get the libreta also? Or just the card? My new DNI arrived 30 minutes ago, and it's just the card, with no libreta. I've been scanning the sites, and they still mention 2 parts - the libreta and the tarjeta. The envelope in which it arrived, however, says "Ahora tu Nuevo DNI es ünicamente esta tarjeta SEGURA y PRÁCTICA."

Anyone have any info here on this?

I just received the tarjets, not the libreta. I'd heard that they were planning on doing away with the libreta altogether.

My wife (who is Argentine) received her DNI 2 months ago (I think), and she received the tarjeta and the libreta. Her card said that its not valid for voting. However, a couple of days after that, we saw in the news that they were going to do away with the libreta and that the tarjeta was now enough to vote (or something along those lines).

Maybe they have already made that change.

As for online. My theory about the internet and Argentina is this: Things happen in the developed world, and then they happen in Argentina (whatever they may be). And then things happen in Argentina and THEN they happen on Argentine websites. Online government information is about as relevant in Argentina as reading about purchasing US dollars in August 2011.
I think the problem here is that people are to busy talking to co-workers and dicking around at work that they dont really concentrate at what they are doing. I have had the same problem, but with a police report, they missed out some characters in passport number, it was the first thing immigration saw and said they do it all the time and i need to get a new police report.. so another 2 hours waiting in line at the police report office to complain, then having to come back a few days later to pick up the new one and again wait in line...........

And i hear stories like this all the time here...
My partner received a replacement DNI which was just a card a couple of weeks ago, so we contacted the DNI office who told is they only issue cards now not the booklets.

We have an email to confirm this.
I can think of at least two words to describe a man that can be abreviated with the letter F, but both are in English.

One is often preceeded by the word mother.

The other is occasionally preceded by the word flaming.

But I doubt either of these apply to this case. :p
'V' could mean varon, but I doubt it.
Nico, just think. If you have mysteriously become an 'F', you could retire at 60, take all your winnings and bugger off to Venezuela.
Can't be bad mate!
when I recieved my new bank card and visa, both my first name and last name were wrong... not a small error.. but wrong. I went to the bank to get a new one and after much debate by three bank workers and two phone calls, they told me there was no need to change it, and f I wanted to it would cost ME. they said that I should just use the cajero.... goodness knows what I'll have to go through when i need to buy anything and pay with my card.
nicoenarg said:
Yeah, at this point I'm thinking sex change might be easier to do than to get correct information written on my DNI!

It may be less painful..... ;-)