Alright, just got back from Migraciones at Hipolito Yrigoyen 952. That should explain the first line of this post.
Went to the place, the guy took my DNI, entered the DNI number in the computer and saw my picture and my information, like my name, date of birth, place of birth, address, cellphone number, etc, etc, written there. He then proceeded to correct the idiotic mistake one of his colleagues had made before. He very efficiently changed the "sexo" from "F" to "M". Great! It was alright.
Then he asked me what my name was, I thought it was to confirm that it was me--you know, like it usually happens here where they wanna know if you are really you--so I told him my name and to my dismay he starts typing it. Then my date of birth, place of birth, address, cellphone number, zip code, etc etc. Good thing was that my wife was with me or I would have been lost. But anyway, I ask my wife "WHAT THE CRAP!?", she goes "Yup". Then the guy asks me to sit down so he can take my freakin' photo! Then he asks me to sign on their crappy electronic tablet--you know, the one where you don't know if you are even signing anything because whatever you see doesn't look like crap?, yeah that one. Then he asks me to put my thumb on the thumb/finger scanner. All this time, my face is turning from red to freakin' redder.
So I turn to my wife and ask her to ask the guy, "Didn't you just pull all this information from your goddamned database? My picture, my thumbprint, my signature and everything else came up. Why the $%!@ do you have to make me go through the same crap all over again and waste everyone's time?" So she asks him that, politely of course. He goes, "Oh we always have to enter it again. Its the way it is."
@!%$!!!! @!%$!!!! @!%$!!!! @!%$!!!!
Have they heard of EFFICIENCY!? The @!%$ is the matter with these idiots?! This is something very simple. You make things computerized so you enter some crap once, you can keep it there and reuse the same data over and over and over again so you don't have to do the same job twice. But oh no no, not in Argentina. Because Argentine economy runs altogether differently. Its not the efficiency of the system that will make Argentina successful. Oh no! Its the advocacy and protection of laziness in this system that's going to make sure that the economy survives. Yes, Cristina's @!%$ing model! Long Live the Goddamned Queen of Argen-inefficient-lazyass-tina!!
Anywho, the guy gets done, gives me the paper that says something like, "wait 60 days and if you don't get it, go to this office, blah blah blah". Last time I got a similar paper it said "wait 30-60 days", now they've probably thought, "30 days? Who're we kidding!".
Anyway, so we ask the guy, can I still use my DNI? He says NO. Can I use the photocopy of my DNI? He says "NO because its not the same person!" @!%$!!!!@!%$!!!!@!%$!!!! We ask him, "So what if I want to apply for a job?" He goes, "Yeah, when you go there, just hope that they will accept this piece of paper or your passport or something." @!%$!!!!@!%$!!!!@!%$!!!!@!%$!!!!@!%$!!!!
So they make the goddamn mistake and I have to @!%$ing pay for it!
And then the icing on the cake. He goes, "Chau. Just hope they get it right this time!"
My wife and I moved here from Dubai. And anyone who's lived in Dubai will tell you that the local population there has a reputation that they're the laziest bunch on the planet. In fact, when you go through immigration at Dubai's international airport, you automatically know this fact, "I will never have an easy time getting any paperwork done here!" They are that lazy. Mutliply that laziness by a gazillion and you will probably get to the level of laziness that I've seen here in Argentina!
I am never one to tell people, "move to Dubai, its heaven" because the place is freakin' horrible for a whole lotta reasons. But it is way more efficient than Argentina could ever dream of being. Just as an example. When I had to renew my work visa in Dubai, I thought the system was slow and inefficient. Let me tell you what I had to go through to get my visa.
I had to first go to a "Typing office" run by private individuals (there are also government run ones, but you have the option of going to private ones and paying them extra to get things done faster or going to the government ones and waiting in line for 30-45 minutes and get things done there). Then when they got everything ready for me. I had to go to a government run clinic to get a blood test. How long the results took also depended on how much you were willing to pay. I got the test done and got my results back in 24 hours (for an extra fee, which wasn't really that expensive if you were living in Dubai and getting paid a decent salary). I took the results to the immigration office in my company's headquarters. They checked the papers by scanning the barcode. Got all the information on their computers. Clicked the print button. Printed the visa out and stuck it to a page on my passport. The whole thing from beginning to end was done in about 3 days.
Yeah...and I thought that was inefficient...(my argument at the time was, they can easily fill in the form themselves or ask people to do it online. Then you spend a day with test results and the day you get your results, you're done!)