Shocking new income requirement for visa rentista?


Jul 27, 2006
In a yahoo group forum of BA expats I just read a post that "reported" new visa rentista/pensionado income requirements of $2000 U$D per person per month (up from $700U$D per family per month). I wonder if this is true and if the new income requirements will be "applied" to those renewing visas as well as applying for new ones.

This would be devastating for many if not most of those who already have (if the higher income requirement applies to renewals) and/or those who are about to apply for this type of (temporary) residency. It wouldn't be very good for the "lawyers" who provide assistance in the visa application process, either.

Somebody please say it ain't so.
I was at Migraciones two weeks ago and was also told by my lawyer that the new income requirement is indeed $2,000 USD per MONTH for rentista visas. This was changed very quickly and without much announcement the first week or so of July. My lawyer was not pleased about this and some hoops may have to be jumped through to prove I meet the residency requirements.
I am in the process of renewing rentista visa.

I went on tuesday. Was told i needed photocopies of 3 pages of my passport (front page, current visa stamp, page with entry stamps) and 300 pesos.

I went on friday again (with required stuff), and then i was told i needed apostile birth certificate.
Local police report.
Nota BCO arg (a letter from my employer from what i understood), even though i told them i want a renewal of my rentista.
600 pesos.

This time i got the lady to write what i needed on a piece of paper so next time i go i can show what i was told last time.

Nothing was mentioned about money or income. Maybe this is because i already have a rentista visa.
I wouldn't trust anything you read in a " yahoo group ". I would call migraciones and ask them. Retirees need to prove a minimum income of $ 1000 usd if i'm not mistake. I personally think it should be around $ 1000 usd per adult. Were talking about rentistas not back packers.
davonz said:
I am in the process of renewing rentista visa.

I went on tuesday. Was told i needed photocopies of 3 pages of my passport (front page, current visa stamp, page with entry stamps) and 300 pesos.

I went on friday again (with required stuff), and then i was told i needed apostile birth certificate.
Local police report.
Nota BCO arg (a letter from my employer from what i understood), even though i told them i want a renewal of my rentista.
600 pesos.

This time i got the lady to write what i needed on a piece of paper so next time i go i can show what i was told last time.

"Nota BCO arg": could it mean proof of your Argentine bank account as Steve has often said is required?
I have only knowledge that the monthly income requirement for a single person on rentista is AR$2400. This was the case in May 2010. I have no knowledge if it has changed since then.
It will be interesting when i go back. They didnt even want to know about the envelope (looked at it, didnt open) the arg embassy in NZ gave me for visa renewal, even though the email they sent me states i need to take it to renew visa.
I will also take a printout of the email from ARG embassy in NZ just as a backup.
She didnt mention banco.
davonz said:
I am in the process of renewing rentista visa.

I went on tuesday. Was told i needed photocopies of 3 pages of my passport (front page, current visa stamp, page with entry stamps) and 300 pesos.

I went on friday again (with required stuff), and then i was told i needed apostile birth certificate.
Local police report.
Nota BCO arg (a letter from my employer from what i understood), even though i told them i want a renewal of my rentista.
600 pesos.
I wrote the list of required documents on the other thread on this forum where you asked your question about renewing a rentista...You are missing three very important documents from what you stated above...
1) bank account statements from your home country bank saying you have a average daily balance over US$2000
2) bank account statement from your ARG bank account showing a high balance or the monthly AR$2400 transfers.
3) proof of your rentista income - in my case a notarized letter from an accountant detailing my investments and the monthly income given from them.

As i said in the prior thread, you are best off getting an immigration lawyer to help you. Time is a wasting and you have to get all these documents in order, notarized, apostilled, and translated...

By the way, in the other thread i told you about how the officials are not very helpful and mostly steveinbsas confirms that this is standard operating procedure, despite in prior thread he said that the process was easy and straightforward.... I am not trying to do a "i told you so", rather i would prefer that you actually get this rentista renewed before it is too late. Don't mess around anymore. You have now wasted an additional week and haven't gotten any further along in your process. Call Lorena at ARCA so she can help you.
I am searching different sources right now, went to the Senate website (nothing), the Diputados (nothing).

The ONLY new law that appeared, regarding immigration (source : BO) is Decreto 616/2010, date 6 of may 2010.
It's the reglamento of the law de migraciones (the one that concerns us) 25.871.
This reglamento tends to precise certain points.
I am reading it right now and didn't find anything scary.

Until now, I just found this portion regarding rentistas :
ARTICULO 23.- Los extranjeros que soliciten su residencia temporaria ingresarán en las subcategorías establecidas en el artículo 23 de la Ley Nº 25.871, bajo las siguientes condiciones:

a) Trabajador migrante: A los fines de esta subcategoría se tendrán en cuenta las definiciones y condiciones establecidas por la CONVENCION INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LA PROTECCION DE TODOS LOS TRABAJADORES MIGRATORIOS Y DE SUS FAMILIARES, aprobada por Ley Nº 26.202.

b) Rentista: Quien ingrese en esta subcategoría deberá acreditar ante la DIRECCION NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES el origen de los fondos y su ingreso al país, por intermedio de instituciones bancarias o financieras autorizadas por el BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. Asimismo, deberá probar que el monto de las rentas que perciba resulta suficiente para atender a su manutención y la de su grupo familiar primario. A los fines de otorgar la residencia se deberán tomar en cuenta las disposiciones de la Ley Nº 25.246, sobre Encubrimiento y Lavado de Activos de origen delictivo.

I keep reading it and will edit my post

It seems you shouldn't worry, I am checking at the source (Senado, Camara de diputados and BO). Of course I could be wrong

btw this new decreto is here
gunt86 said:
....By the way, in the other thread i told you about how the officials are not very helpful and mostly steveinbsas confirms that this is standard operating procedure, despite in prior thread he said that the process was easy and straightforward....

The process is easy and straightforward if you know what you are doing. The folks at migraciones obviously cannot explain everything to foreigners who do not speak the language. That isn't their job...though the ladies at the prorrogas went out of their way to find someone working in a nearby sector to translate for me when they lost my file (fortunately, the day after my permanent residency was granted).