Shortages and disappearing goods

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I noticed that kitchen appliances like sinks/taps are running low on stock - prices have shot up I guess to account for the lack of stock. Pretty much anything that is imported is going to run out very soon as well.
I haven't noticed any shortages on my weekly trips to Coto yet but then as a single guy in his early 30s my shopping trips aren't exactly varied.

Good information to have though, my Argentine friends were warning me of what could be in store in the near future, what a time to be alive..
Ritter Sport chocolates are disappearing in all categories except the white ones, again. Situation dire!
Comparing many other nations, Argentines consume a smaller selection of food. There are many things they do not like to eat. It sucks to worry about the above basic items, makes retiring life more challenging in Argentina.
You constantly get ripe seasonal fruits and veggies in Europe, the farmers markets are real farmer's markets in Paris and Germany. I was in Ukraine in Feb this year, which is their cold cold winter, the selection is so abundant at supermarkets, I even found tropical fruits from Thailand. And this is a country that is in deep financial trouble. They are not short of anything, in terms of daily life supplies. Argentina needs to open up to free trade, cut the tariff barrier. Macri was moving in the right direction in terms of open trade.
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