six months a year--


Oct 3, 2011
Hi all,
california transplant, decided I've had enough of the California "crisis", it never changes, everything constantly is never the same, hmm? well if you are late forties early fifties, you have a general idea. Retirement early, officially known as retires by the IRS!!!!!!!!
Anyway enough said," mi espanol es un poco bueno", pero estudia todo dias mucho, please all correct me all you want, looking for a good "argentine spanish school" any suggestions, have car, right ? brave soul, drive professionally(racing a hobby now), when in rome right? well Buenos Aires....
Living in Belgrano, appreciate any informative suggestions from others in similiar in Argentina, been coming back and forth for one year now and plan on buying, perhaps something in Salta and something province BA---any thoughts... also looking for a breakfast spot more than over sugared coffee and well sugar everything, seriously though any American, European,Argentines out there with suggestions on what to do with an abundance of time, including donations of time for worthy causes leave any thoughts.
Hi, welcome to BA. For Spanish lessons you might want to contact "Bueno, Dale" Spanish School in Palermo Soho. It is a cool new school with a great lead teacher and a cool vibe(buena onda). They offer morning, afternoon and evening classes. You can contact them at [email protected] or thru

Good luck with your move here and congrats for having the courage to make the change.

thanks for the information, I'm sure there is much to pay attention to, but while the economy is the point, trust me even in the US, everyone wonders when it will hit bottom.
If you are looking for something social that is also a worthy cause, you could try the ABCC (American-British Community Council). They have branches all over the city and in the interior, helping to organize events to sustain charity cases and an old people's home.

If you just want fun, there is an english speaking amateur theatre group in northern suburbs ( that is always looking for people to help backstage, at the bar, in set construction, organizing parties, etc.(or onstage if you are so inclined!).
I will give both a try, the former because it sounds like a good place to pitch in and the latter, well I'll check it out. Thank you for the input.
Congrats on the move! Are you here alone or with a family? Lots to do and if you have a car lots to see and visit.
Driving- Use the Panamericana I have gone over 220/kms/hour there and faster going to Carilo..
What else do you like to do? Where in Cali are you from and what did you do there for a hobbie?
can anyone give me information on the guarantee requirement needed for long term rental, is this a insurance surety type bond or is it a personal guarantee, any help appreciated--- have to say I love the freeway system and the radar cars are interesting, anyone know if radar detectors are legal?not that it seems it would matter, also anyone have information on great car brokers, currently renting car long term, fully insured and cheap from american point of view, however the american point on anything(north)most likely shall wear off if my first three trips continue to be the same, yes I understand much is about be aware and you snooze you lose, but I've met many many hard working honest people.....enough said thanks to all for the warm welcome and looking forward to fast times in a fast of south america....just kiddin
fast cars/ fast people /slow food/ good wine/single-(unmarried) woman (hmm) california thing, northern cal, right next to Infineon raceway//helicopters
Well you are in the right place.
I can help you with any car needs, do you have an idea on what you are lookibg to buy?
In terms of house lease, you need some guarantee, but you can get away with it if you pay a lot in advance. When we rented the first year we paid 6 months rent in advance plus a you basically need to negotiate with the owner.
I think you can find all of you above requirements here in problems here with slow food, women and wine. But you will find people drive real slow here on the left lane...annoying as hell, as me and my husband are fans of fast driving as well.
In regads to radar, there is no ilegal in Argentina...i have a built in radar reader in my GPS. I can tell you that we were told that speed cameras do not capture a photo if exceeding 180 kms/hour. Have to wait a couple of weeks and see if our 320km/h ride joyride was captured...i imagine they just have some dust in the picture...hehe
AlfajorEfi said:
Well you are in the right place.
I can help you with any car needs, do you have an idea on what you are lookibg to buy?
In terms of house lease, you need some guarantee, but you can get away with it if you pay a lot in advance. When we rented the first year we paid 6 months rent in advance plus a you basically need to negotiate with the owner.
I think you can find all of you above requirements here in problems here with slow food, women and wine. But you will find people drive real slow here on the left lane...annoying as hell, as me and my husband are fans of fast driving as well.
In regads to radar, there is no ilegal in Argentina...i have a built in radar reader in my GPS. I can tell you that we were told that speed cameras do not capture a photo if exceeding 180 kms/hour. Have to wait a couple of weeks and see if our 320km/h ride joyride was captured...i imagine they just have some dust in the picture...hehe

I just hope you do no have any encounter like this one when circulating at that speed in the Panamericana...good luck! :eek: