So effing rude!

Immigrants are treated incredibly well in UK. More jobs go to them than locals, we embrace curry as our national food, we are my post I referred to the many helpful people here, but there is a category who hate foreigners. I encounter them on a daily basis. Just yesterday a taxista pretended his cab was broken to get rid of us, the second time in one month that's happened....
Celia, you have been 4 and a half years here and it seems as if you are still trying to get things to change and be the way you want them to be, when it should be the other way around. In general public employees are not the greatest anywhere, just take a look at the way the act at some embassies for example. Here, especially over the phone, you can simply hang up, call again and talk to somebody else. I know it can get frustrating, I know some people do it on purpose, but really you have to understand that many people are not good with accents and foreign languages and that most likely the do not have anything against you. If you try with some sense of humor you might get better results and will get treated better imho.
Celia said:
By the way, Cabrera, what country are your forbears from? Are they Spanish, Italian or maybe English like me??

I believe they were from Lesbos.

Cabrera why don't you take a time out from correcting us foreigners and focus on getting that earthquake machine off Pericles?
Celia said:
Immigrants are treated incredibly well in UK. More jobs go to them than locals, we embrace curry as our national food, we are my post I referred to the many helpful people here, but there is a category who hate foreigners. I encounter them on a daily basis. Just yesterday a taxista pretended his cab was broken to get rid of us, the second time in one month that's happened....

Not being an immigrant into the UK, I can't put out an opinion on that. I do have friends living in UK that are perfectly adapted, but both were fluent in English before moving over and settling.
What it came to my mind was the shooting of the brazilian guy in the subway, in London, but this doesn't mean is representative of anything. Still, I wonder how much do they accommodate people that doesn't speak English.

I think you have it wrong on "hate the foreigners" part. A lot of people is exclusively spanish spoken, and gets peeved when spoken to in anything else and plain want nothing to do with it. I mean, you are in Argentina.
Being in expat in another country, its on your own interest to learn to fit and adjust, it just wont happen the other way around.

On the other hand...if it makes you feel any better public employees are just as crappy with locals...
Celia said:
Immigrants are treated incredibly well in UK. More jobs go to them than locals, we embrace curry as our national food, we are pan-cultural....

Celia -- have a little think about it, if it were true that more jobs go to immigrants than locals, how would your country even be running, since there are fewer immigrants than Brits? These are the BS types of statements that come out from your racist British National Party. I hope that should you ever go back to England you consider working as an activist on the side of immigrants having experienced what it truly is like to be on the "other side" of the coin.

As far as immigrants being treated better -- that's also BS. You could also get on the dole just as easily if you had no proof of income. you could also go and see the doctor despite not having an NHS card. You could take any of the benefits that new immigrants take in Britain that supposedly mean that you'd be getting treated better -- except that you would have to quit any job you have, give up any luxuries in life, and be happy to move into a bedsit in Bayswater with 8 other drugged out Albanian women and their 14 children and live your life being forced to go and beg with your child on your lap in the tube station everyday knowing that a nice beating was waiting for you at home if you didn't bring back any money.

Sorry Celia, I was on your side until you claimed immigrants get treated incredibly well in Britain. That statement absolutely needs to be qualified. The majority of immigrants to England get treated like a subspecies. Only the upper class ones that come with their money get treated well, but any that come via refugee status or through family reunification where their mother-tongue is not English, get treated like absolute crap by the majority of Brits.

Don't believe me? You can get a rude awakening into the true perspective of your average Brit by doing the same thing I do every time an article on Immigration is published -- read the comments section. I do this with Canadian newspapers -- not the tabloids but the supposed upper-crust newspapers -- and I can tell you, every time I read them I am absolutely shocked to see what comes out of the mouths of my fellow Canadians, who are supposedly "pan cultural" as well. If you want the real perspective on how people view immigrants in your beloved Britain, just google a few articles from the Times, Guardian, the Beeb etc and you'll see that your fellow countrymen have just as many horrible sentiments about immigrants as you claim Argentines have against you.
You need to understand that it is the poorest educated and ignorant who cannot understand you.
In one restaurant the waiter ran off when he heard me speak, the next guy (who could just about manage good morning so was not fluent english) understood me perfectly, now he always gets our custom.
The same thing happens over and over, you just need to accept that it is a failing on their part and we cannot all understand one another.
Guillo said:
What it came to my mind was the shooting of the brazilian guy in the subway, in London, but this doesn't mean is representative of anything.

Its representative of how paranoid and badly organized security was in the aftermath of the tube bombings. But its never really been considered standard practice for special branch to murder terrified immigrants in broad daylight during their daily commute.
I don't understand why people still bother to answer cabrera's posts. Everyone knows he's posting rubbish to provocate...and gets what he wants! Just ignore him.

I agree that I don't think her attitude means she hates foreigners. That would be really unusual. Probably you just interrupted her chat with other colleagues and she was just lazy.
Amargo said:
I don't understand why people still bother to answer cabrera's posts. Everyone knows he's posting rubbish to provocate...and gets what he wants! Just ignore him.

...and please don't call her him!!