Cuánto bajará la brecha entre dólar blue y oficial tras acuerdo con FMI, según reconocida consultora
La brecha cambiaria entre el dólar oficial y el blue alcanza hoy un nivel cercano al 80%, pero según analistas en inversiones puede retroceder.
we will all be in the same boat when it comes to feeling inflation!
I agree with everything you said but not sure about that last part. Even when there is a small gap between the official and the blue rates, the ARS has generally always depreciated enough to keep up with inflation (in this case, the official ARS). There were times when this didn't happen, such as during the first two years of the Macri government, but it has mostly been an exception. I can't remember a time in the last 20 years when Argentina wasn't cheap in USD or EUR except late 2015 to late 2017.