[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]In a very interesting post below, some cultural differences between Argentines and comparable European cultures were discussed - eg Italian, Spanish -- which was also correlated to a different vibe and reality of everyday life in big cities ( BsAs vs Madrid/Barcelona/Paris/NYC). [/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]What i am curious about , - and i'm too lazy to do real research on this - is whether these cultural differences are a result of history-induced attitude change/genetics vs environment/politics/economic development etc. How did it come about? why? I don't know enough to extrapolate. Thing that i would love to know:[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- that at some point, 90% of BsAs population were all spanish/italian immigrants, or metisos whcih came out of marriages with locals - so genetically very similar to mediterranean/spanish/Italian nations, so: why such drastically different cultural norms and values? why people act and behave and feel differently? specific examples: dress/attitude to women/to future/to what professionalism means/to meaning of life and relationships (see numerous topics on dating argentine men/women
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- spanish colonization happened in many other Lat Am countries, why Argentina so different /unique as compared to Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, etc; similarly, all American countries (except Iceland) were founded only a few hundred yrs ago so it's not about 'building a national identity' and 'young country' etc[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- open minded vs closed minded society, in relation to the world (no, not about gay marriages and sex prior to marriage) - receptivity to new cultural trends and possibilities, change and flexibility in society and economics and policies, etc, dealing with outdated and beurocratic systems in 21st c. etc, acceptance of horrific in society (eg women's slave trade)[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- socialism vs democracy? i've mentioned in an earlier trend how frequently i see references to old Russian style of life daily. Eg dog poop/limited food choices/bitching about the system with zero wish to change it, living with broken streets, power shortages (to point of having no water for days), seeing no future vs daily survival, etc. Here there is even more: a famous 'Russian soul" equates in generosity of spirit to the famous Argentine friendliness and charisma, but cleaning streets, or , in Russia, stealing in workplace, were norms
. [/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- Tourism is heavily desired in both countries, will likely bring in tremendous resources if expanded , and powers that be understand importance of it, and need for safety and security and clean pavements for this; nothing done. [/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- that at some point, 90% of BsAs population were all spanish/italian immigrants, or metisos whcih came out of marriages with locals - so genetically very similar to mediterranean/spanish/Italian nations, so: why such drastically different cultural norms and values? why people act and behave and feel differently? specific examples: dress/attitude to women/to future/to what professionalism means/to meaning of life and relationships (see numerous topics on dating argentine men/women
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- spanish colonization happened in many other Lat Am countries, why Argentina so different /unique as compared to Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, etc; similarly, all American countries (except Iceland) were founded only a few hundred yrs ago so it's not about 'building a national identity' and 'young country' etc[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- open minded vs closed minded society, in relation to the world (no, not about gay marriages and sex prior to marriage) - receptivity to new cultural trends and possibilities, change and flexibility in society and economics and policies, etc, dealing with outdated and beurocratic systems in 21st c. etc, acceptance of horrific in society (eg women's slave trade)[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- socialism vs democracy? i've mentioned in an earlier trend how frequently i see references to old Russian style of life daily. Eg dog poop/limited food choices/bitching about the system with zero wish to change it, living with broken streets, power shortages (to point of having no water for days), seeing no future vs daily survival, etc. Here there is even more: a famous 'Russian soul" equates in generosity of spirit to the famous Argentine friendliness and charisma, but cleaning streets, or , in Russia, stealing in workplace, were norms
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]- Tourism is heavily desired in both countries, will likely bring in tremendous resources if expanded , and powers that be understand importance of it, and need for safety and security and clean pavements for this; nothing done. [/background]