Soles En El Camino - Sponsor A Child


Sep 12, 2005
I have recently begun working with an organisation called Soles en el camino which houses 25 children between the ages of 1 and 18. We have come up with the idea of asking people to SPONSOR A CHILD for a year. This would entail being asked each month to contribute something to the amount of around 200 pesos. Things we might ask for include Christmas presents, birthday presents, toiletries, bed lined, winter coats etc.

In addition at the moment we are busy trying to raise funds for the Christmas party. These kids have never had a Christmas tree and usually gifts are bought by the directors of the home. We are looking to give these kids a nice dinner and have a Christmas tree and decorations. If anyone would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it. Every donation makes a huge difference!

We are also open to anything else people would want to give. So if you are giving your house a spring clean please let us know and we would be happy to pick anything up that you are no longer using!

Please contact me if you would be interested in participating in any way!! [email protected]
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped out this month. We found 25 people that bought Christmas presents for the kids!!! We also managed to raise almost 2000 pesos and clothes, food, toys and diapers were donated! However "Soles en el Camino" needs help every single month, not just over Christmas.

Besides for financial contributions they are looking for volunteers who would be happy to go on the weekend and play with the kids or take them on outings.

If anyone is interested in participating in any way please email me and let me know! [email protected].
I am reviving this topic to let people know that we are still looking for people who would be willing to sponsor a child every month.

If a monthly commitment is too much there are tons of other ways you can help. Please email me if you are at all interested in getting involved! [email protected].
