Stay away from this apartment rental

French J, if the portal de abogados allows you to edit and correct your text I volunteer to write it in proper Spanish and re-enter it there (unless you think the etranger patois adds to its charm)
NoPat said:
French J, if the portal de abogados allows you to edit and correct your text I volunteer to write it in proper Spanish and re-enter it there (unless you think the etranger patois adds to its charm)

Ok !!! do so please ! And, of course, insist on the fact she has been using an "alias" (Valeria de Santos), well you know the story
Hold your horses, I tried to mean I'll re-write it as in write what you wrote with no language mistakes, in grammatically correct Spanish, not that I will write it again differently...

Do I send the new version to you? Post it here?
dillster said:
And no one gets punished here. I know you have read some people have been convicted, but check where they are. Youll see they are free at their home. A country thats basically a mafia and petty thieves as citizens.

I empathize with some of your points, but in this case,...for all the other shady characters who cheat & steal from tourists through bad businesses...this is the bigger picture I think. In the end, going to jail or paying a fine/bribe to the police may not be as scary as loosing your business/livelihood & being socially ostracized/exposed.

This is the power of an active & organized on-line community, it does not rely solely on the efficiency of local law & order. It is an independent force with a momentum of it's own, regardless of cultural & geographical conditions. I think this case reminds me that Argentine society has not fully awakened to the Internet yet....maybe we are actively witnessing & also participating in a kind of 'positive' evolution.. I hope so.
Just to add to the intrigue, I did a search with both the NY Bar Association and the American Bar Association and there are no listings for any Florencia (or Flor*) Daud with either.
ghost said:
This is what the attorney 'friend" met by "taking things into your own hands". However we do have at least 2 BA attorneys that frequent this forum and neither has entered this discussion.

Yes good point, I the ebay feedback system, they are dealing with something that is much bigger than just local law & order...with a unified on-line community....there will be limits to bad behavior. Oh Democracy,....mob rule ;-)