Stay away from this apartment rental

I just wanted to compliment all of you "detectives" on this site. I've lived in Buenos Aires for many years but never got into the groove of hanging out with Ex-Pats. After I moved here I don't think I ever had the desire to hang out with Ex-Pats. I visited this website forum many years ago but I saw a lot of fighting so I never joined.

But I found this page from a link on Trip Advisor and wanted to say I'm impressed with all your hard work on this girl that conned this tourist. Shame on her.

Keep up the good fight.
The post from the yahoo group has been reproduced on the TripAdvisor thread, so I have taken the liberty of reproducing it here:

I wish I had read this article referred to below before I told the owner of the apartment from whom I am renting when I have my flight back to the USA. You see I signed a TEMPORARY rental contract where I paid the rent for the whole year in advance and the contract gave me (exclusively) the option to renew for another year if I chose. Each month I have paid the expenses for the building and the electricity bill always before they were due. The apmt came unfurnished so I furnished it and then had to have a moving sale as the owner wants to rent it unfurnished again.
I gave him a US$2000 DEPOSIT along with my advance payment for the year since I knew I would pay all the expenses on time and keep the apartment in excellent condition so I didn't hesitate to think my deposit would be returned since it states that is what the deposit is to be used for. However after informing the owner about a month ago that I would be leaving at the end of the contract period and not renewing the contract and that the apmt could be shown to other potential renters, he sent me an email informing me that he is not planning to return my deposit when I leave. He is trying to claim I should have to stay 2 years eventhough the contract clearly states it is a TEMPORARY RENTAL for one year with the date ending Oct 30, 2010. I innocently/stupidly let him know my flight is on Oct 28, 2010 so we arranged to meet in the apmt that day.
I was told to go see a lawyer so I did and we sent a carta documento to create a "legal" document that states the owner needs to return my deposit when I return the keys to the unoccupied apartment in excellent condition, with proof of no debts but what else can I do as I can't PHYSICALLY FORCE the owner to return my deposit. I can see from the other apartment that he rents out in the building that he is constantly behind in paying the expenses since he rented that aparment in a package with all expenses included but he continually neglects to pay them on time.
I also went to the U.S. embassy to file a complaint. Now it seems from the article that going to A.F.I.P is another option but otherwise it seems I would have to file a lawsuit against him and that would cost more than US$2000 in lawyer fees, not to mention what I can imagine would be a long, drawn out process.
It's just incredible that we signed the contract at an immobilaria (whom I paid commission) in front of an escribano and I have totally complied with my side of the contract and he is trying to cheat me out of returning my deposit. I thought I would be protected by the contract but there is no way to FORCE him to return my deposit when we meet so I can give him back the keys and show the apmt in its excellent condition without any debts.
Anyone with some good advice on what I can do to get my deposit back, please let me know! I am thinking I may have to miss my flight on Thurs, Oct 28th to stay a few days to initiate further proceedings.
Please help . . . I am feeling SO SICK over this that it has almost completely ruined my last few weeks here.
For anyone interested:
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I'm not really sure about GPS now but will leave it here anyway:

but I think THE person to get in contact with is Facundo Pastor
(here is his America page ) but the first link is a blog more up to date and has an email address for denuncias - [email protected]

I would recommend as many people here as possible email him, no matter how crappy your castellano and include links to this thread and the thread on TripAdvisor.
Gringoboy said:
I've read the entire thread and must congratulate you all on an incredible piece of sleuthing here.
What I don't understand is the naivete of this person by making so much information public in the first place. A con artist generally speaking, would not wish to be tracked down and wouldn't leave a trail afik.
Also, and I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, the amounts involved, if I'm not mistaken are US$200 +/- in each case, which in the grand scheme of things is not a huge amount of money.
It therefore begs the question: is this just the tip of the iceberg?

I'm guessing the buy scamming only US$200 at a time no one will complain to much. No. It's not so much, but just think of all the other scams, I mean businesses, that she's open & closed already.
Maybe I'm a pansy but collecting enemies around the world for $200 just seems like a scarey nightmare to me. If I was going to cross over to the darkside and become a scamming criminal, like that supermodel said, I wouldn't get out of bed for a scam of less than $10 000.
pauper said:
but I think THE person to get in contact with is Facundo Pastor
(here is his America page ) but the first link is a blog more up to date and has an email address for denuncias - [email protected]

I would recommend as many people here as possible email him, no matter how crappy your castellano and include links to this thread and the thread on TripAdvisor.

OK, I emailed the guy, who's next ???

You can send copies as well to Clarin, y La Nacion :
[email protected]
[email protected]

We need to be 20 sending emails !! Your turn
In the email I sent, besides telling the whole story, I insisted on the interest of the news :

- Scams affecting tourists
- Use of aliases
- All the investigation work (200 messages in 24 hours, close to 10000 views, ALL the details a group of people can find on the net about someone, ..)
- The fact that the investigation was done by various strangers from various countries (Net power !)
