Strike: how long untl gas runs out?


Mar 25, 2007
Anybody have an idea how long the gas (petrol) supply will hold out if the strike continues? Days, a week?
Some of the stations already ran out of gas last night. But then some drivers of the national guard or the government or something who had never driven a truck in their lives (I love how concerned about safety this government is) started driving some of the trucks to deliver gas.

Anyway, I think it depends on each individual gas station's storage capabilities. And also how panicked the public is because of this strike. If people start lining up at gas stations en masse fearing gas shortages then that self-fulfilling prophecy will come about pretty soon.

I personally don't think its going to get worse than it is. I am sure they will strike some sort of deal soon. However, what scares me is that now they are preparing a legal case against Moyano. Yeah, CFK is out of her mind. And so are the rest of the morons with her.

If the government goes through with their legal case against Moyano then I think we're in for a very long and miserable winter.

PS: I'm sorry, I know it doesn't directly answer your question but I couldn't tell you for sure how long it would take for the gas to run out. I'd say maybe a week at most with no delivery. Again it depends on storage capabilities.
The TV news just said that there is already gas stations without fuel in BSAS. "queda gasoil en pocas estaciones". So i dont know if its just diesel, or both diesel and petrol that is in sort supply already.
Can somebody please explain the difference between "gasoil", "nafta" and "gasolina"?
Gasoil = diesel

I think nafta = gas = gasolina (gas = gasoline...stuff you put in your car to run it)

But I'm not sure.
"Gas" is not nafta or gasoline. It's either what we call natural gas or propane in the states. Many cars and almost all taxis and small trucks and vans run on it in Argentina.
steveinbsas said:
"Gas" is not nafta or gasoline. It's either what we call natural gas or liquid propane in the states.

I was actually trying to clarify what I meant by "gas" when I wrote it.

Clearly I did a poor job at it.

What's nafta again?
sergio said:
Anybody have an idea how long the gas (petrol) supply will hold out if the strike continues? Days, a week?

Less dollars spent to energy imports though.

nafta is gasoline.

Our regular taxista told us this morning that nearly all of the gas stations in the provinces of Chaco and Corrientes were already closed this morning. We passed 3 closed ones on our way to pick up our daughter from school at noon.