esllou said:
how weird is it that all the top countries on that list are Pacific Island nations!!
what's the deal with that???
I was wondering whether it had to do with the preponderance of coconut in the traditional diet or imports resulting from colonization. I googled it and found a couple of articles, here's a snippet that looked at a specific pacific island:
Studies by New York's Rockefeller University have detailed the heavyweight status of adults among Kosrae's 8,000 residents, finding more than half to be obese. A total of 82% are overweight. One in eight adults has diabetes.
The Rockefeller scientists are still studying causes, particularly genetic underpinnings of overeating, overweight and diabetes.
The woman in charge of noncommunicable diseases for the island's health service is cautious about the "why" of Kosraean obesity. But "basically we eat a lot of food," Dr. Vida Skilling said in an interview at Kosrae's little hillside hospital.
"We eat servings that are two or three times what are served in the United States."
The eating habits are on display in the aisles of Thurston's general store, where the few shelves are packed with big cans of Crisco, corned beef and Spam (fat per serving: 140 of 180 calories), jars of mayonnaise, boxes of heavily sugared cereal, 50-pound sacks of rice, and no fresh vegetables.
"They like Spam, beans, peaches in the can," said store clerk Ruth Arthy, 44. "They fry Spam slices, or mix it with canned spaghetti."
I guess that, and a lack of physical activity, and (as cafeconleche pointed out) an appreciation of fat as beauty would explain it!
(article here:
and as Katherine pointed out, I think not only does it matter where you come from for perspective on what you think is fit/fat/obese, but also where you're living in the city. I see a lot more fit and polished people when I'm in Palermo, Recoleta, and some of the other barrios that are more well-to-do and that tourists also frequent than when I am in Caballito or some of the further flung barrios. Some of that has to do with wealth and status. I also see a higher ratio of obvious plastic surgery over in those barrios but that's another topic!