Summer And Power Outages,how Well Prepared Are We?

We were unaffected in our part of Belgrano last night, luckily. Normally to minimise the output they roll the outages block to block. Your zone will have no power for a few hours and then it will roll on to the next few blocks up. In truth our street had major works over the winter by Edenor, ripped up lots of sidewalk, worked for a good month almost then covered it up. I wonder if we'll see an improvement.

Probably not!
Boy, if Jack Bauer thinks it's extreme, that's really saying something.

A Complete Accounting Of All The 267 People Jack Bauer Killed On 24

I have the entire series or episodes in DVD format. Season after season watched "Jack Bauer" giving his life to save the evil empire despite adversity and political turmoil. One of the best made for T.V. movie series, it beat the Bourne Identity which was not too shabby either. Will anything as good as the "24 hrs" ever again be produced? If you know of any movie like the 24 hours please share here with us..
in Chivilcoy yesterday I survived the 150 kmts winds of a tornado ,Power , water, cable TV, internet, and gas outage. Power will be reestablished in a couple of days? Meantime, No gas, no supermarket , no ATM, no credit cards, only cash economy...!! The hotel allowed people to sign for food..!

Huge trees collapsed over the cabin I was staying and was unable to remove the car, roads out were totally blocked with huge branches and logs. Huge 100 year-old trees uprooted.

Morale; can happen anywhere any time :cool:
Rich, I withdraw my comment about The walking dead.............
From what I've read, it was devastating in Chivilcoy.
So we're back to The Walking Dead I see...................
Well we finally are back up and running with electricity. As I mentioned, the storm on the 2nd knocked out most of our zone. We barely had any water pressure for a couple days, and cell service was also not reaching us for part of the time. On top of that, typically around here the locals do protests blocking the main roads, so bus service was interrupted part of the time as well. The high point was on the 4th when my wife was coming back home by bus around 9pm, and the colectivo had to take a different route due to kids blocking the bus and throwing rocks at it. It went very round about and she had to walk about 24 blocks through a bit of a sketchy area with no cell service to let me know, in pitch black streets with no lights working. She showed up here at the house with another girl she had found crying and unable to get home. From our house the girl was able to call for a ride via our land line. We walked her a few blocks from the house where a family member picked her up. Anyway, the light came back for a day on Thursday and then went out again yesterday just for a few people on our block.

The funny ending was that somebody got tired of waiting and just called an electrician friend to switch a few houses over to a working phase. They just sort of passed the hat to pay for the poor guy who had to climb up two ladders tied together with rope and wire to move the cables around in a very crappy, rusted open junction box that he could barely reach above his head at the top of the pole. So as of a couple hours ago, no more spending AR$100+ per day to run the generator part-time. yay!

And that's how it's done here in the deep deep deep South!!
Still no power at the ranch,was able to free up the road from fallen trees then of course my chainsaw quit, got my well working thanks to my gas powered motor,to put in a few words....... was violent and after very verrrryy spooky not to mention later on that night the zombies and vampires attack, luckily my mine field worked out pretty good and what ever was left standing I mowed down with my super dupper browning machine gun :p
Did you get that Browning from General Roca?