Here are my advices and observations for success in the Radex app.
A: Choose to use Google Chrome browser. Turn off Ad Blocker extensions. I started out using Safari and had some problems signing into the website once i'd gotten a username and password. At the end of the application, again using Safari, could not progress correctly and might of voided my application. Use Google Chrome, it works.
B: Get all your documents done, ready to upload, and upload your docs in one pass. Radex does allow you to upload some, close and come back later to add more but have these docs ready to upload. Radex seems to prefer jpeg files, although it allows pdf files for some docs. Also you can use your cell phone to take a picture of your documents for upload. Here's a list of the docs:
#1 last entry in Argentina stamped in passport page
#2 criminal report from the country you've been residing in
#3 the apostille of that criminal report from the Argentine embassy in the country you've been residing
#4 profile picture (head shot with a 1/4 turn)
#5 photocopy of the main passport page (not all pages, just the principle information page), #6 certificado de domicilio
**Specific to your basis of application (mine was Pensioner), this upload page appears near the end of the process.
#7 proof of income
Paying your bill
C-1: There is a payment section. Fee based on your status, Mercosur or outside Mercosur. There are two processing time options. If you choose standard processing time (can take up to 90 days) you'll pay the base fee and immediately receive a receipt attached to an e-mail. You will then receive an e-mail with 2 additional "boletos" / invoices attached. These must be printed out and paid as follows: Invoice 1 - lots of printing on the invoice for 185 pesos (this pays for your Argentina Criminal report that Immigrations does on your behalf) - take the invoice to a Correos and pay it there. (no Rapi-pago or bank will take it) Invoice 2 - 300 pesos - has something to do with DNI - very little detail on the invoice and no indication where to pay. (no Rapi-pago, no Correas, no Banco Nacional or Banco Ciudad or other bank would accept it or knew what to do with it) Now I'm being told Banco Provincia will accept it and allow you to pay. (to be updated)
C-2: It's in your best interest to pay these invoices asap and then send them an e-mail with your basic identify and attached copies of each of the 3 paid invoices. (your payment of application fee, the Argentina criminal report invoice and the DNI related invoice.

uring the payment process you will be offered the opportunity for accelerated handling (express) of your application for 10,000 pesos. They give no time frame, only vague ASAP time frame. Cautions: 1 - This is a one time offer! If you don't choose it when offered it never appears again and I've been told you cannot ask to add it later. 2 - If you do choose the accelerated service, Immigrations will not do the Argentina criminal report, you'll have to get it done yourself and bring it to you appointment. The appointment that comes after you complete your Radex application.
D: Avoid clicking the Finalizir button until you've completed all the work inside. You do to want to click Finish until all work is done. The website doesn't give you good navigation on closing the application before you've completed all the work. But you can close it and come back to work on it further. Several times I just closed the browser to end the session. Caused no problems.
Those are the wrinkles I experienced in Radex.