On this you and I agree 100%. I knew if we worked long enough we'd find some middle ground.
From my perspective there are many Argentines who do not support Argentina, not just the rich. Many people that I speak with do not trust "the government." That's not only
this government, but
any government. Many Argentines are 100% sure that the government steals their money, that the government lies to them, and the government tells them to save in Pesos but they save Dollars for themselves. They are sure that the government is looking out only for the government. I think that is why so many Argentines look out only for themselves. If the government is setting the bad example people tend to follow.
What do you think?
I agree with your description. This country had too many experiences of "every man for himself". I wrote that several times here. That is why people, upper and middle classes in general, do not trust the country. Its like inflation, why do people go to the dollar? because we have a history of inflation, its not something new, and the dollar does not lose value.
This said, during the K years lots of companies made a lot of money, and did not re invest it. I agree 100% with Kicillof and lots of other economists, that the main reason of inflation is that the strong demand of including mases to consumption did not accompanied with investment to absorb that demand, so the result is prices going up.
This country is a mess. I agree with that diagnose 100%. But for the first time I see some things doing well. Inflation? this is the government with lower inflation since 1950. Corruption? well, that I cant say, my perception is that this government is very corrupt, as the next one and the past one. Social indicators? this is where I like the Ks, lots of social plans, lots of people growing, keeping strong the demand, the expand of internal market, more and more people getting into formal economy. We had from 1990 to 2003 25% unemployment (picture how bad is that, with insecurity, poverty, etc) and since the Ks we have 6%, thats very hard to make, I consider it an achievement.
The starting line of this decadence is clearly the last dictatorship. The dictatorships before werent that bad, I even conisder some of their economic plans, like Krieger Vasena, very reasonable.
the solution to all this mess is clear to me: state policies, maintain a line for decades, a national plan, that could achieve gobernability, that could distribute wealth, that can make the economy growth, etc.