The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Not a step ahead in technology. We developed that technology over 25 yrs ago and it's been fine tuned in various seperate applications. Portions are use in different instances for office entry to secure centers to police ops. However the national ID card as promoted here has been proposed in the US and was met with resounding objection in any and every form. Argentines are predisposed to a national ID system via the DNI. This is simply a refinement. Frankly it's a somewhat scary refinement. And it's a long way from the "bones in the desert" sales pitch.
may I ask you something? since people (I dont care if its the enemy or whoever, people) get killed in wars, if you watch such a degrading show, with the lower instincts a human being can see, if you destroy families forever, and even civilizations, if you make those very important changes in human lives, why do you want to participate in such degrading work? why do you want to be a part of it? you re not obligated, arent you? dont you ever feel guilty? they are just human beings, the category of 'enemy' is defined politically, you re just fighting for the rich people to become richer, to the politicians to rule the world. Killing some vietnamese, or pakistani, or whatever is an abuse of power IMO and the US have been doing this the entire century.

Im really just curious, if you really think that defending the US you are doing well. Im talking to you and John St.


I served from a sense of duty to support and protect my country from enemies foreign and domestic and defend the Constitution. Enemy is not defined politically (for me). Enemy is defined by intention. Enemy is someone who is attacking Americans or American assets, or allies.

Having said that, I think politicians use the war tool too easily. It is easy to gloss over the serious business while looking through a haze of patriotism.

What you are suggesting - a world where there is no war - is a fabulous idea.

The bottom line: I vote for a world with no war. But that isn't the world that we live in.
Hey Ries, read and learn:

The USA's "powers that be" are turning the most powerful country in the world (an accomplishment that could never have been reached had socialists and communists like you had had their way) into a third world country. Societies with those principles do not succeed, are not sustainable, it has been proven time and time over again.
People from those 'heavenly' regimes have died trying to reach the shores of the USA, FOR A REASON: to escape the very way of life you and other sheepel idolize. Of course that was then, and this is now. Now, they are leaving in droves.
The massive agenda to destroy the USA from the inside via indoctrination, etc., and reach third-world rank, was started a long time ago. It is in recent years that the x-rays have started to show the shadows that keep getting bigger and darker every day.
It was Austrian economics and the likes of JFK, yes the RATIONAL democrat JFK, the free market, the freedoms, liberties, human rights and capitalism which our forefathers tried to protect in those magnificent documents (that are now being trashed in favor of satanism and insane laws protecting the criminals and denying good people of their rights) that allowed us to flourish, to grow, and to become the envy of the whole world. However, the claws of the sinister puppeteers were already sunk in 1913. The rest, as they say...
So do not mouth off about how much to the right we are in comparison to other countries that have already collapsed, we are already there. "They" just have not pulled the plug yet. When they do, I doubt you'll enjoy FEMA camps.
Good luck my friend.
I suggest that if you believe in a world without wars then dont participate in any kind of war or dont serve to the people that create wars. Colaborating with this people is the opposite of colaborating with the idea of a world without wars.
And I do believe a world without wars can be possible, its just making the soldiers think, realise that they are the factor why war can be possible.
This said with a 100% respect of what you do, I understand your point, that you believe is a duty, and that you serve your nation aganist enemies. I would like you to see my point too.

Hey Ries, read and learn:

The USA's "powers that be" are turning the most powerful country in the world (an accomplishment that could never have been reached had socialists and communists like you had had their way) into a third world country. Societies with those principles do not succeed, are not sustainable, it has been proven time and time over again.
People from those 'heavenly' regimes have died trying to reach the shores of the USA, FOR A REASON: to escape the very way of life you and other sheepel idolize. Of course that was then, and this is now. Now, they are leaving in droves.
The massive agenda to destroy the USA from the inside via indoctrination, etc., and reach third-world rank, was started a long time ago. It is in recent years that the x-rays have started to show the shadows that keep getting bigger and darker every day.
It was Austrian economics and the likes of JFK, yes the RATIONAL democrat JFK, the free market, the freedoms, liberties, human rights and capitalism which our forefathers tried to protect in those magnificent documents (that are now being trashed in favor of satanism and insane laws protecting the criminals and denying good people of their rights) that allowed us to flourish, to grow, and to become the envy of the whole world. However, the claws of the sinister puppeteers were already sunk in 1913. The rest, as they say...
So do not mouth off about how much to the right we are in comparison to other countries that have already collapsed, we are already there. "They" just have not pulled the plug yet. When they do, I doubt you'll enjoy FEMA camps.
Good luck my friend.

The paranoids who think Nixon and Reagan were socialists or communists never quite go away.
I suggest that if you believe in a world without wars then dont participate in any kind of war or dont serve to the people that create wars. Colaborating with this people is the opposite of colaborating with the idea of a world without wars.
And I do believe a world without wars can be possible, its just making the soldiers think, realise that they are the factor why war can be possible.
This said with a 100% respect of what you do, I understand your point, that you believe is a duty, and that you serve your nation aganist enemies. I would like you to see my point too.

Wonderful thought.

I being tall, blond and blue-eyed, would have had a great life with 4-5-6 subhumans serving my every needs.

Because, if no one were ready to fight for a western democratic world, The Great Chairman Adolf would have won WWII.

A wonderful world for us 15 percent, not so great for the remaining 85 percent.

I prefer to fight for what I believe is right, even if it also serves other interests, which I disagree with.
... So do not mouth off about how much to the right we are in comparison to other countries that have already collapsed, we are already there. "They" just have not pulled the plug yet. ... Good luck my friend.

It's optimists like you who make the world progress. Good luck to you too, you'll certainly need it.
Wonderful thought.

I being tall, blond and blue-eyed, would have had a great life with 4-5-6 subhumans serving my every needs.

Because, if no one were ready to fight for a western democratic world, The Great Chairman Adolf would have won WWII.

A wonderful world for us 15 percent, not so great for the remaining 85 percent.

I prefer to fight for what I believe is right, even if it also serves other interests, which I disagree with.

Agree in the last sentence, the thing is as Dirtboy said some people are abusing of the war tool, ergo, IMO they are the tyrants which you must fight against. There was only one Hitler, the rest, the inmense rest of wars (Vietnam, Korea, Kosovo, Africa, Lybia, Israel, interventions as Guatemala, Granada, dictatorships all over the western hemisphere) the huge inmense majority of interventions were not against Hitler, (some) there were against democratic governments. So in some level you must believe in these actions/interventions to provide your body.