The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Mr Steve you must have something wrong with you as my post was for [background=rgb(242, 242, 242)]ajoknoblauch not for you . [/background]

.My apologies. Yes I have something wrong with me. I am a man....

Nonetheless, I love intelligence and a "sense of life" above all other values.

:p .
Go ahead, make fun of me.

This is like calling my posts (or anything Ayn Rand wrote) nonsense or drivel.

If you have a real point, please state it.

Obamacare is going to be a nightmare for most individual citizens of the USA.

It will result in less health care at higher costs for most...

Those are the 85% who "liked their plan (and it's price) before the law was enacted...and then repeatedly changed by "executive" (aka dictator) order.

And no amount of tinfoil will protect those individual citizens from the orders of the dictator.

Well, everything Ayn Rand wrote was drivel, but it has allowed a certain sector of the populace to indulge their fantasies. There may be a sliver of redeeming social importance in that.
Well, everything Ayn Rand wrote was drivel, but it has allowed a certain sector of the populace to indulge their fantasies. There may be a sliver of redeeming social importance in that.


Including her love of freedom and respect for individual rights?

Please provide some quotes of her writings to support your position,

Including her love of freedom and respect for individual rights?

Please provide some quotes of her writings to support your position,

what an author! :lol:
Back to the topic: Barack Obama:

What a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deal with it now you poor stupid schumcks in the USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OBAMA WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And your parents will DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(sooner rather than later)

EXACTLY AS PLANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(read the bill, stupid)
(Even in the USA there have been concentration camps...and there are current plans for many, many more.)

Steve, still waiting for any evidence of these current plans. Can you tell us where they'll be built, when, who's going to be put in them? Care to share your sources? Or is it more bs? I've noted that Arlean, the queen of bs on this forum likes your posts, as you have done for hers, maybe you two could hook up, a marriage made in heaven!

I've noted you've started a silly habit of shouting your stuff in capital letters. Well, unless you come up with some evidence of these soon to be established concentration camps, we'll have to start calling you a LIAR!!!!!

Come on Steve, this could affect many of us, back up your claim or withdraw it.