The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

John, I don't have enough evidence to confirm or deny anything related to FEMA camps. Maybe there are some crazy people making up a lot of stories around this. That being said when I see a president that sings the NDAA (several times now) that includes a provision to detain Americans with no probable cause indefinitely, when I see the way they treated the Tea Party (like them or not) with the full power if the IRS. When I see how anyone who disagrees with the clown in chief gets ridiculed, called racist, or worse. Totalitarian regimes didn't come out of thin air. It was people ignoring all the little bits of evidence based on the fact that some crazy and some "crazy" people were making claims about something. HIstory repeats itself. There were journalists in Germany in the 1930s who used to warn people about someone who was very dangerous. I'm not saying it's the case now but I don't want to take my chances. This isn't a fairy tale. There are some very disturbing things going on and if you try to see the big picture you will see something isn't right. I don't know how far the rabbit hole goes but there is a rabbit hole.
"I think we can all classify Ayn Rand as an extreme person. Anyone who teaches people we should not give to charity has some issues. Rather heartless."

I think we can classify anyone who dileberately misrepresents someone else's views/philosophy as insincere, to say the least.

Unless you are intentionally trying to misrepresent her philosophy, you may have no idea what you are saying.

She never "taught" anyone not to give to charity. She clearly stated that if you want to help others in a free society that "no one will stop you."

Yes, she was an extreme defense of freedom and individual rights..and the only economic system that recognizes as well as rewards them: capitalism.

Maybe. Been a long time since I read anything of hers. I think I only read one of her books. Nevertheless, I think I can say I disagree with many of her viewpoints from the impressions I gathered from the one book I read.
John, I don't have enough evidence to confirm or deny anything related to FEMA camps. Maybe there are some crazy people making up a lot of stories around this. That being said when I see a president that sings the NDAA (several times now) that includes a provision to detain Americans with no probable cause indefinitely, when I see the way they treated the Tea Party (like them or not) with the full power if the IRS. When I see how anyone who disagrees with the clown in chief gets ridiculed, called racist, or worse. Totalitarian regimes didn't come out of thin air. It was people ignoring all the little bits of evidence based on the fact that some crazy and some "crazy" people were making claims about something. HIstory repeats itself. There were journalists in Germany in the 1930s who used to warn people about someone who was very dangerous. I'm not saying it's the case now but I don't want to take my chances. This isn't a fairy tale. There are some very disturbing things going on and if you try to see the big picture you will see something isn't right. I don't know how far the rabbit hole goes but there is a rabbit hole.
That German (and other) journalists in the 1930s warned people, and that these journalists were right, doesn't mean that anyone warning people is right. Some substance wanted, please.

Make a map with inaccurate locations of whatever, and voila! you have proven something - or?

FEMA concentration camps:

Tea Party camps for extermination of liberals:

Concentrations of more than 100 Red Socks fans:

Problem is that too many nuts just make up as they go and invent new conspiracies "every Friday afternoon".

This has been documented e.g. when it comes to 'the end of the world' prophecies:

Did you notice that the world went down in flames 21 December 2012?
No? Strange, because a lot of very serious people predicted it - the end of the Maya calendar, right?
Did the world go under 12 December 2011? no? a comet or asteroid or planet X or ...
February 13, 2006? no?
Any ol' time before 2004? no?
October 30 - November 29, 2003? no?
What about late spring/early summer 2003? no?

It's good fun to read the prophecies of this subset of nutters

But yes, it is necessary to keep an eye on the powers that be, because - as we know - power corrupts, the more, the worse, but as I see it, following the wingnuts is not the way to go.
At least it's a map of Red Sox fans concentrations and not Yankee fans concentrations, that would be scarier than the FEMA camps.
Maybe. Been a long time since I read anything of hers. I think I only read one of her books. Nevertheless, I think I can say I disagree with many of her viewpoints from the impressions I gathered from the one book I read.

Which one of Ayn Rand's books did you read? Do you remember any of the the "viewpoints" with which you disagreed?

PS: She never wrote anything to impress anyone.

Now *THIS* is a good reason to be an expat in Argentina.

I saw this story a few days ago and I find it unbelievable. I grew up not too far from where this occurred and, although the people can be kind of weird, I still can't imagine something like this happening. If even one part of it is true, it's extreme. If all of the things mentioned (it is a lawsuit afterall) are true, then it is definitely a reason to fear what may be coming.