The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Are you suggesting that "You know how many people were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?" is a genuine question?

That internationalguy actually wanted to know the number of people who were called crazy because they saw Hitler as a dangerous person?

Of course it's a rhetorical question, but the point is that it is not an you asserted.

I see it for what it is: a rethoric question attempting to demonstrate, that people considered crazy were in fact right.
I now have a good health plan and, to this point, nobody has taken it away from me. Under previous administrations, the insurer could (and did) unilaterally abrogate my coverage. Even Ayn Rand herself was no so dogmatic as her acolytes - being a hypocrite was a small price to pay for the services that Medicare and Social Security provided when she needed them:

A little fact that the Randroids tend to gloss over or ignore all together.
If she had had the fortitude to stick to principle and die earlier, she might have made a more credible martyr, but I fear the tinfoil has slipped forward and is now covering your eyes. Please pull up the brim and read for instance.

Obama and you have a long history of mutual love and admiration. Your society is falling to pieces and still you are raving to the gullible on these forums. Note that noone is reading your spam nor your books !
As I said before, millions of Americans still have living parents who will suffer as well as die sooner rather than later as a result of Obamacare.

The fact that our parents are already dead and the Berlin Wall is down is irrelevant.

And if they had a pre-existing condition, as many old people do, they would have been denied insurance under the old system.

Are you for a socialist single payer system Steve?
Obama and you have a long history of mutual love and admiration. Your society is falling to pieces and still you are raving to the gullible on these forums. Note that noone is reading your spam nor your books !

Sami appears to have "borrowed" some of Steve's tinfoil.
Sami appears to have "borrowed" some of Steve's tinfoil.

Tinfoil, Tinfoil, tinfoil, Tinfoil is this your eloquence at work. As I have said your spam and dribble on these forums has very little effect and noone is buying your books !
And if they had a pre-existing condition, as many old people do, they would have been denied insurance under the old system.

Are you for a socialist single payer system Steve?

"OLD people (those over 65) with "pre-existing conditions" are already subject to medicare. Participation in medicare is not an option. They are not denied coverage, They are denied treatment in greater numbers than those covered by private insurance.

Obamacare requires individuals to buy insurance or pay a "tax" but it does not mean that (in spite of Obama's promises) that those who need health care will receive the "care" they thought they had been promised.

It was a scam (a power grab) from the beginning and was designed to result in a singe payer system.

The insurance companies got "sucked in" believing the law would only require every citizen to buy "private" health care insurance.

They were lied to, as well...and they will go out of business as a result.

As any greedy "crony capitalist" bastard should.

And the power mongers who sucked them in will lose their power as well...
[...blah blah blah...]
Why don't you move to the mountains in the northern states as the tinfoil hatters have done many times before when Chicken Little told them the truths about Y2K, invading aliens, etc.?

The whole of the US, north, west, east, south, has a bit of a train-wreck in slow motion appearance. This was one factor in my exploring South America. I figured that learning Spanish and seeing the world from a difference perspective might be a bit of an insurance policy for things that may be coming. So my path headed South, not north. Waaaay south. It's not to say that I wouldn't ever go back to the US, but it does feel nice to have many more options open to me now.

To say that we have until 2016 for Obama to reveal that he is Hitler and unleash his plan for world domination is to completely miss the point. It's not about any one person, it's about imbalance of power, lack of respect for liberty, apathy for protecting the eroding constitution. It leaves us increasingly vulnerable at some moment, for some charismatic psychopath to seize control and use the machinations that were of course designed to "protect" us, to render us utterly helpless and subservient. To categorize anybody who doesn't naively follow the mainstream media and the stated agenda of the government a "tinfoil hat" wearer is simply a weak ad hominem response, indicating a sort of desperation, that you are unable to construct a solid counter argument that stands on its own.

A growing number of people are seeing that things just don't look right. It's not about Obama, Having spent time in the military, it's possible that your viewpoint could be distorted. If you were sent to kill people for an agenda that was different from what you were told, that could be a very painful truth to face down. If it was in the end that you were a small piece in a very large chess game to transfer wealth and power from the hands of the many to a very isolated few elite, that each time you pulled the trigger it was actually your decision, not just an order, and that it was your responsibility to decide in that moment whether it was really on solid moral grounds, for good reasons, why would you want to second guess it now? That could be quite a can of worms for you, essentially requiring you to question your entire identity, and possibly casting your actions and extreme sacrifice into a very negative light. You must admit you don't have a great deal of motivation to cast that kind of light on your soul, and every subconscious motivation rather to avoid like the plague any such questions about the core political structure of western society.

Despite this, I nevertheless invite you to consider that there exists within this structure a growing mass of centralized resources and power which have a very corrupting effect upon our imperfect human nature. Every American has to face down their decision to apathy. It's very comfortable to live in the world's first economy, to have cheap goods flowing in on an endless line of credit created by the petrodollar. To sit and consume products and to consume entertainment from a media that doesn't question anything. If our government is safeguarding that lifestyle by whatever means necessary, what motive do we have to buck the system? It's not our cities being bombed, not our people being drone assassinated, not our citizens being tortured, not our government paid off to become puppets, not our infrastructure being outsourced as a means to create debt slavery, not our extremist citizens being supplied automatic weapons, no foreign bases on our soil, not our private communication being tracked without a warrant. Not YET. Oh.. wait, some of those things *are* happening to our citizens, along with a frenzy of rhetoric about gun control, using the IRS and watchlists to single out anyone who is critical of the motives behind all these actions. But of course In the mainstream media anyone expressing objections or suspicions about any of these things is portrayed as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. Parrot much?

So again, what are the FEMA camps with inward facing razor wire all about? If it's *only* 200,000 hollow point bullets, what would they be for? Why are domestic police forces increasingly decked out like military personnel? For every unthinkable act that you cannot accept to be possible, you might consider how much money there really is, held in disproportionately few hands. If you can, open your mind a bit to what that kind of money could buy, and the idea that not everybody is like you deep down inside. Some people do not have a conscience like you and me. When you open that door, and follow the money trail, questions may begin to appear that you really hadn't considered before. But if you don't want to be bothered with such disturbing things, don't worry. Most people are very comfortable seeing things exactly the way we were taught and are conditioned to see them.
I think we can all classify Ayn Rand as an extreme person. Anyone who teaches people we should not give to charity has some issues. Rather heartless.

In fairness, Rand deserves credit for her atheism (though many of her followers find it abhorrent, they somehow choose to overlook it). At the same time, unfortunately, many others among those followers have adopted her as their own infaillible supreme being.