The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Argument about medical care has been around a long, long time. Today is a very sad day for this old fart.
A few words from my hero:
The percentage doesn't matter. Taking control of people's lives by not just taking control of their health care, but in many cases destroying the health care they had is what is really despicable.

And it was accomplished by dirty tricks and lies...lot of lies.

The reference to Tea Party members as Teahadisis implies they are terrorists.

With the advent of Obamacare many sick people are now the ones who are terrified.

Many have (and will continue to) lose their insurance pans and their doctors and many f them will also be required to pay more, not less as the President promised.

Most of the promises of Obamacare were lies and it was all a massive power grab from the start.

And none of those affected think its funny or something they read about in a comic book.
Unfortunately you believe that people have some degree of control. People get to order from a predetermined menu and that is their token control. Some guy in ButtJump Alaska who lives 400 miles off the grid has more control than you or I.
Unfortunately you believe that people have some degree of control. People get to order from a predetermined menu and that is their token control. Some guy in ButtJump Alaska who lives 400 miles off the grid has more control than you or I.

Thank you for feeling sorry for me, but it really isn't necessary.

And, since I am living in Argentina, how can anyone in Alaska have any power over me?

The President, of course could order a drone strike.

He does have the power to kill anyone he wants.,,anywhere in the world, doesn't he?

But he would never do that, would he?

If he did I'm sure he wouldn't brag about it.

Even Hitler was smart enough to never brag about killing far as I know.
Unfortunately you believe that people have some degree of control. People get to order from a predetermined menu and that is their token control. Some guy in ButtJump Alaska who lives 400 miles off the grid has more control than you or I.

Absolutely, that admirably self-reliant guy in Alaska can do his own quadruple bypass!
Absolutely, that admirably self-reliant guy in Alaska can do his own quadruple bypass!

LOL either you're in really bad shape yourself or you spend way too much time in the ICU...this is like the 100th time you've mentioned "quadruple bypass".
Absolutely, that admirably self-reliant guy in Alaska can do his own quadruple bypass!

Do you actually believe that everyone who needs a quadruple bypass (or even a pacemaker) will get one, thanks to Obamacare?

Or will the fine print in the Affordable Car Act weed out those who are to old or otherwise unable to contribute to the collective?
Thank you for feeling sorry for me, but it really isn't necessary.

And, since I am living in Argentina, how can anyone in Alaska have any power over me?

The President, of course could order a drone strike.

He does have the power to kill anyone he wants.,,anywhere in the world, doesn't he?

But he would never do that, would he?

If he did I'm sure he wouldn't brag about it.

Even Hitler was smart enough to never brag about killing far as I know.
You need to read carefully. Do you think living in Argentina gives you some control. Silly boy. I live in both places and I don't delude myself in either place. And I have the luxury of picking the time and the place.
You need to read carefully. Do you think living in Argentina gives you some control. Silly boy. I live in both places and I don't delude myself in either place. And I have the luxury of picking the time and the place.

You have the luxury of picking the time and place for the drone strike that will terminate you?

The Argentine government is not stupid enough to seriously mess with private health care.

Dictators in Argentina have a lot more experience than the new boy in DC.

(If I'm a silly boy at 63 he's also a boy.)

And I have much more control of my life here.

No EPA "official" is going to have me arrested for filing in a puddle on my property.

I can plant, trim, and cut down all the trees I want...and burn the landscape waste at will.

And I am not considered a polluting contributor to climate change because I exhale carbon dioxide.