The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

yes, religious people should be allowed to deny their children treatment and let them die and Catholics should be allowed to force their religious beliefs on women who need abortions.

Its all about freedoms!

I'm not saying mothers should deny treatment to their kids, but neither should they kill them (although I do understand special cases). Most abortion laws are too permissive and allow irresponsible teenagers to use abortion as a contraception method. That's beyond me. But again, this is not about abortion. And if you want to get an abortion, go to a non religious hospital, there are at least 4 hospitals that will perform the abortion for every hospital that would refuse it. FREEDOM, YES FREEDOM. However your freedoms were taken so early apparently that you lost the freedom to think as well.
yes, religious people should be allowed to deny their children treatment and let them die and Catholics should be allowed to force their religious beliefs on women who need abortions.

Its all about freedoms!

How many women "need" abortions?

Because they cannot support the baby?

Perhaps they should have taken an aspirin.

And placed it between their knees before having sex.

To some this is a bad joke.

To others, it's good advice.
Eyes on the ball please. This is not about abortion. This is about freedom. If I'm a doctor and I oppose abortion I will not let the government force me to perform abortions. Just watch and see a bunch of highly talented doctors flee the country because of the lack of freedom, the nightmare of all the regulations that will come from Obamacare, the regulations that will come, the insurance hassle.

Doctors and other professionals used to leave their countries and go to the US because they would have freedoms. Now we've come to a point in which doctors will flee the US because they don't have freedoms anymore and that will include American born doctors.
Health insurance is part of the payment to the employee by businesses that offer it.
IF the employee decides to buy birth control pills, or have an abortion, that is THEIR decision, not the employers.
It would be the same if the employer was a vegetarian, and said that NO part of the employee paycheck could be spent on meat.

Once the employer pays the employee, with cash, or with a benefit like a 401 K match, or health insurance, that payment belongs to the employee, and they can do what they want with it.
If my employer is a tee-tollar, who believes its a sin to drink alcohol, can they refuse to let me spend my paycheck on booze?

These employers should mind their own beeswax. I have had employees who spent the money I gave them on all kinds of stupid stuff. Stuff I dont believe in. Still none of my business what they do with it.

Again, health insurance provided by the employer is part of the salary package, and none of the employers business.
Health insurance is part of the payment to the employee by businesses that offer it.
IF the employee decides to buy birth control pills, or have an abortion, that is THEIR decision, not the employers.
It would be the same if the employer was a vegetarian, and said that NO part of the employee paycheck could be spent on meat.

Once the employer pays the employee, with cash, or with a benefit like a 401 K match, or health insurance, that payment belongs to the employee, and they can do what they want with it.
If my employer is a tee-tollar, who believes its a sin to drink alcohol, can they refuse to let me spend my paycheck on booze?

These employers should mind their own beeswax. I have had employees who spent the money I gave them on all kinds of stupid stuff. Stuff I dont believe in. Still none of my business what they do with it.

Again, health insurance provided by the employer is part of the salary package, and none of the employers business.

I understand your point, but it's not like that. You can't tell your employees what to buy with their paycheck. You could however get insurance plans WITHOUT abortion coverage, just as a religious principle. The fact that Obamacare doesn't allow you to choose such a plan, is against religious freedom.
More than twice as many Americans (98,000) die each year from medical mistakes than the number of people who do not get to a doctor in time. That does not include the number of individuals who are maimed, disfigured, disabled, or otherwise harmed. Perhaps they would have been better off without health care....much better.

Most mainstream socialist and communists would not call BHO one of their own, To them he just isn't Marxist enough.
While might not fit their definition of either socialism or communist, he is hardly an advocate of free market capitalism.
Being a "puppet" of bankers doesn't mean he endorses free enterprise. It just means he is corrupt.

As I previously wrote, he is a collectivist and he clearly embraces principles of the Marxist ideology. He is also acting outside of the powers granted to him by the Constitution, therefore he is also a criminal. He has contempt for the Constitution and would issue far more executive orders than he already has if he thought he could get away with it. He is going to "dictate"more in his second term than in the first. He is fundamentally transforming America..from the top down...and making more Americans depended on the government than ever. It's all about power and control. It has little to do with the "common good" of "society as a whole" (a collectivist concept).

And this is a very interesting blog:

So the fact that 89,000 people die from medical mistakes means that we shouldn't do anything about the 45,000 that die because they don't get treatment in time?

"Most mainstream socialist and communists would not call BHO one of their own, To them he just isn't Marxist enough."

They don't think that he's any kind of marxist at all. A capitalist lackey.

"As I previously wrote, he is a collectivist and he clearly embraces principles of the Marxist ideology."

Which principles of Marxist ideology is he embracing, by which I presume you mean enacting by law or has published proposals to that effect?

'He is also acting outside of the powers granted to him by the Constitution, therefore he is also a criminal".

Can you be specific and tell us which laws he's broken?

"He has contempt for the Constitution and would issue far more executive orders than he already has if he thought he could get away with it."

Can you enlighten us about this contempt, and evidence? I'm sure you'd agree that the main reason he's issued so many executive orders is the GOP using more filibusters against the President than have been used against all the previous presidents in US history? During the long downright refusal of the GOP to confirm important judicial appointments to important federal appeals courts I think he's been very patient with their obstructionism. The Teapartiers use that as a badge of honour. This isn't an opposition, its an attempt to wreck the government.
Imagine the government coming after a kidney or a lung based on the power of eminent domain or drafting organ donors while they are still alive.

If some people have a right to health care and need a kidney why should you have two?

Sounds absurd, doesn't it?

Just wait.

A little socialism is never enough.

Now you can call me a whack job, too.

I think there may be more than a few people thinking that after this comment.
Most "black" people in the USA don't know that an original intention of the founder of Planned Parenthood was to wipe them out of existence in North America and is still keeping their numbers "in check" with abortions.

That's quite a charge Steve. I've read it before on a couple of nut job sites, but never seen any evidence. Have you?
Another president accused of betraying the constitution! Love the poster of JFK by the John Birch Society.