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I understand your point, but it's not like that. You can't tell your employees what to buy with their paycheck. You could however get insurance plans WITHOUT abortion coverage, just as a religious principle. The fact that Obamacare doesn't allow you to choose such a plan, is against religious freedom.

Superstitious beliefs are a poor basis for public policy.
I don't think the Tea party would like to have me around ghost. I am in favor of gay marriage and most other freedoms. Just not the freedom to kill babies. But that's a new one, I've never been called a teahadist before. You see, I don't have to be right or left wing. I prefer to be a thinking person,
I don't think the Tea party would like to have me around ghost. I am in favor of gay marriage and most other freedoms. Just not the freedom to kill babies. But that's a new one, I've never been called a teahadist before. You see, I don't have to be right or left wing. I prefer to be a thinking person,
Perfect. If you think hard enough and long enough you will ponder freedoms and rights and realize there a difference. I didn't know gay marriage was a freedom? Thanks.
I'm not claiming gay marriage is a freedom. I'm destroying your absurd claim calling me a "teahadist".
I would appreciate being referred to in second person, instead of your detached arrogant way. That being said, I don't know how many times do I have to say that I'm not a right wing nut. What the hell is wrong with defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I hope you'll be happy in a totalitarian state.
"The teabaggers and other religious fanatics have every right to express their ignorance and gullibility, but not
to exercise a veto power over everyone else.

Still with your one line wonders marking with your pen everyone with ignorant remarks. Ignorance is a word that is the epitomy of who you are and what you project to everyone who has the misfortune to be in contact with you.