The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

Next two are continuations of former presidential actions.

So because someone did it before it means that he is not a dictator? And what about "change"?

GITMO is being kept open via opposition to its closure from mainly Republicans but some Dems too.
And yet he could make an executive decision to close it anyways, just like when he went to war with Libya without congressional support.. He does not because the political cost is more important to him than his principles or his word. It is all a politcal calculation to him. So much for "change".

IRS thing is a typical FOX Benghazigate non-story.
BULLCRAP. Even the government admits that it happened (after first denying it) and people got both fired and resigned for it.

More stuff continued from former Presidents.
Again, since it was done before, it means that he is not a dictator? And what about "change"?

Conspiracy theory via Fast and Furious
BULLCRAP! Eric Holden was the first US attorney general in the history of the United States to be held in criminal contempt by Congress by refusing to provide information on Fast&Furious. People within the ATF are being CRIMINALLY PERSECUTED right now for Fast&Furious. Of course, they are talking the fall for their bosses, Holden and the Presidend.

Now, as someone who isn't a Democrat I because of my civil-libertarian/socialist views I have to make sure you're not
contradicting yourself. Do you call Bush a dictator? Do you think he is a war criminal? Do you believe he is guilty of many
if not all these things you atribute to Obama? You must keep your standard across political boundaries here, because some
one is a democrat and supports the NSA doesn't mean I don't go easy on them either, my hope is you're doing the same.

Obviously you know NOTHING about my political views. Of course Bush was a dictator and an criminal. He and Obama should be cell mates.
I do think many of these thinks that aren't hyperbolic/bullshit are terrible crimes and undermines democracy
and should result in peoples imprisonment but you just don't have the will power for it among the populace.

One of the reasons there is less desire to prosecute these crimes is exactly because there will always be defenders of the party in power that will jump out to minimise/justify their crimes just as you have done here.

For example: Gitmo. Yes Obama wanted to shut the base AND MOVE IT TO THE MAINLAND US without changing any of it's illegal practises and human rights abuses (see "gulag" above).


Targeting US citizens. Do you have any proof that all other presidents (war criminals though they may be) exercised this power? Much worse, Obama has institutionalised the process and we are only talking about it IN SPITE of the Obama admin's efforts to silence journalists from talking about it.

Camberiu has duly refuted your other points, but I would emphasise again, one of the reasons why there is not enough dissent in the US is because there are always apologists with a list of "yeah buts..." like yours to justify whichever criminal party is in power.
The question I've had since I arrived here (it's rhetorical, please don't feel compelled to answer it), is, "If a country as screwed up as Argentina can manage to provide a reasonable level of healthcare to all of its citizens, why can't the richest country in the world manage it? (And why do so many of its citizens say that it's impossible, too expensive, or that it would somehow be "unfair" -- unfair for their fellow citizens to receive adequate health care?)
Part of the answer is that doctors are paid about the same or less than the garbage men. That drives the cost of care down radically. Also if your Dr. accepts insurance company payments he/she is paid about 10 pesos for the visit. Many doctors, my wife included, no longer accept any insurance programs. It's cash only. Another small factor is 21% IVA covers allot of social programs. 21% IVA plus income tax covers even more programs.
I admire Argentinas health care model for universal coverage. But there is a price to pay and no, it is not free.
Now that the insurance company camel has his nose under the tent you can expect to see coverage cost increase every year as "FREE" slips slowly into the sunset.
Why does the "wealthiest country in the world" spend twice as much on medical care as countries with universal coverage, such as Sweden? Because it can?
Another part of the answer is Fraud. Which is rampant in the US system and begining to run rampant here. See the film Carancho.
Why does the "wealthiest country in the world" spend twice as much on medical care as countries with universal coverage, such as Sweden? Because it can?

As you should know, I was being sarcastic, but to answer your question, the practice of medicine in the US is first and foremost an industry designed to make a profit. No so in other countries. No clue what the economic status of doctors in Sweden is, but here in Argentina, being a doctor is in general a normal middle-class (though well respected) profession. Most people who study medicine here do not do it for the money.
Just for those who don't know. Obama is not offering "free" healthcare and Obamacare is not going to acomplish universal anything. All it does is allow SOME people who couldn't afford insurance to pay a lot less than they would without the new law. This reduced cost is being made possible by putting more pressure on small business and on government spending. It also comes at the cost of more government intervention, death panels, and lost freedoms. It solves nothing. It doesn't change anything.

All the massive cost goes to pay a system plagued by merciless profit hungry insurance companies and pharmaceuticals. As far as being the richest nation goes, well, I wonder how rich we would be if we paid up everything that is owed (private debt is through the roof too). People don't realize how much of the American dream is now based on credit. You think Argentina's debt is bad??? Just wait until the major players in the world get fed up and come up with an alternative for trading in USD. That will be the day we'll see how rich we really are as a nation. I know I won't like what I will see.
Folks, let's stop the pickering, let's stop playing into their clawed hands and let's look at the big picture, and listen to the truth, for a change. Then, let's fully wake up and DO something about it. Our Declaration of Independence gives us that right. Be sure to familiarize yourselves with it, excellent document, short and to the point. May GOD bless you all. If that statement offends anyone, it's just too bad.
Get ready to be blown away... Here we go...


Just for those who don't know. Obama is not offering "free" healthcare and Obamacare is not going to acomplish universal anything. All it does is allow SOME people who couldn't afford insurance to pay a lot less than they would without the new law. This reduced cost is being made possible by putting more pressure on small business and on government spending. It also comes at the cost of more government intervention, death panels, and lost freedoms. It solves nothing. It doesn't change anything.

All the massive cost goes to pay a system plagued by merciless profit hungry insurance companies and pharmaceuticals. As far as being the richest nation goes, well, I wonder how rich we would be if we paid up everything that is owed (private debt is through the roof too). People don't realize how much of the American dream is now based on credit. You think Argentina's debt is bad??? Just wait until the major players in the world get fed up and come up with an alternative for trading in USD. That will be the day we'll see how rich we really are as a nation. I know I won't like what I will see.

Obamacare is going to change a great deal. Yes, it will make it possible for previously low income uninsured people to get subsidized health insurance. This Includes members of the US Congress. If this isn't CORRUPTION what is? But when those who are hit with massive increases in their premiums discover they can pay a small "tax" until they actually need health care and NOT pay the higher premiums, much more government intervention will be necessary.

How are the the insurance companies "merciless" and profit hungry?" Please correct me if I am wrong, but aren't their profits already limited by law to 15% of their gross revenues from premiums? Is Apple's profit margin anywhere near that (low)? If the pharmaceutical companies can't make a profit, why would there be any reason the develop new drugs? Perhaps the government should take over the development of all new drugs, just like it has led the way with alternative energy.