The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

The ONLY way Obamacare will "work" is if the government orders doctors where and what type of medicine they can practice..and THIS is totalitarianism. It was an essential component of "Hillarycare" in 1993 and will undoubtedly be part of her plan in 2016...if she (has the) runs again.
Reading this thread is like watching my family at Thanksgiving; the adults trying to talk about something interesting while the kids are screaming and throwing food at each other.

You obviously live in a savage land... :D
The ONLY way Obamacare will "work" is if the government orders doctors where and what type of medicine they can practice..and THIS is totalitarianism. It was an essential component of "Hillarycare" in 1993 and will undoubtedly be part of her plan in 2016...if she (has the) runs again.

Pure nonsense. It's a half-hearted first step toward universal health coverage, which benefits everybody - even those who can afford paying over the counter for their triple bypasses or kidney transplants - as it has in so many countries already. The United States is sadly backwards in this regard.
Pure nonsense. It's a half-hearted first step toward universal health coverage, which benefits everybody - even those who can afford paying over the counter for their triple bypasses or kidney transplants - as it has in so many countries already. The United States is sadly backwards in this regard.

So you think that having small businesses take a hit, along with an exploding govt deficit is the way to go? Why didn't your friend BO change something meaningful that would make a difference long term? Why is the govt forcing so many people to lose the coverage they had anyway? So many changes HAVE to be made before we actually have the conditions to even aspire to universal healthcare... Do you think a half baked law is going to change everything that is wrong with the system just because Barry says so??? If that's the case then I really, really overestimated your intelligence.
So you think that having small businesses take a hit, along with an exploding govt deficit is the way to go? Why didn't your friend BO change something meaningful that would make a difference long term? Why is the govt forcing so many people to lose the coverage they had anyway? So many changes HAVE to be made before we actually have the conditions to even aspire to universal healthcare... Do you think a half baked law is going to change everything that is wrong with the system just because Barry says so??? If that's the case then I really, really overestimated your intelligence.

Large insurance companies can take a hit, and take the people with pre-existing conditions, and still make a profit.
But they just want to make more profit with the people who have no or little problems.
Tbh this topic was started as a discussion about Obamacare.

I also don't understand this argument about 'you shouldn't force someone to pay for something he doesn't need/want'. Isn't that what a government does? I pay taxes which pays for free education that I don't need, provide benefits to people with children which I don't have and builds roads for a car I don't own. Again I don't know exactly how Obamacare works but if that's the only argument against it, it seems weak

Military, police, schools, highways, trains, etc., anything me, myself and I don't need this instant - throw'm away. Why don't the 'small government' people demand that?

- and mountains, I forgot those, who needs mountains anyway? - not me! sell'm to the Netherlands.
Why does the "wealthiest country in the world" spend twice as much on medical care as countries with universal coverage, such as Sweden? Because it can?
You don't want to know.

Let us assume that the majority of the American population is not incompetent and not stupid.

How, then, does one explain that the US spends 17 percent of its huge GDP on health care for some, while e.g. France or the Scandinavian countries spend 7-8 percent of GDP on full coverage for everybody, tourists included.