The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

I had to decide to live in the US or comming back. My point of view is that in that the US system is a russian rulet. You can enjoy while you can electronics, cars and a house if you get a loan but if you have a health issue, you are broke or dead.

Argentina has the opposite system. Healhcare is secured the same than education, both are public and good while the private system is under State regulations (no limit on the cover), Electronics, cars and houses are more difficult to acchieve.

When I had to take a desicion i realized how many times I was at the emergency room at a public hospital during my life for free. Plus I got my degree at the UBA.

This year I was at a wheelchair for a couple of months, proper and unexpensive medical care allowed me to walk again. Sorry but I prefer a society with older mobiles and free hospitals..
Let's see....

-Kill lists and the self proclaimed authority to kill any American (or anyone) at his discretion at any time, anywhere. check.
-Maintaining the practice of torture, check.
-Tapping people's communication without warrant, check
-Keeping a gulag like prison in Guantanamo, check
-Using the IRS to harass political opponents, check.
-Supporting laws that would criminalize criticism of the secret courts and warrantless tappings, check.
- Seizing private records from the press without court orders, check.
-Maintaining a clandestine (and illegal) program for sending weapons to Mexican drug dealers. Check.
-Having his staff deliberately and knowingly lie to congress about the NSA tappings. Check.

Sounds like a dictator to me, irrelevant of being elected or not.
The sad thing about this is not that Obama is a dictator but that the American public in general doesn't have a problem with any of these policies - somewhat like the German public didn't have a problem with Hitler's miscellaneous invasions and racial laws.

Obama is more a puppet than a dictator. A puppet of the Military Industrial Complex. Obama knows that he has to play this game and he will be well taken care of for the rest of his life. A puppet and a sell-out.
I for one am so happy to see all the anti Obama sentiment on this thread as people are FINALLY seeing that the man is a complete and utter fraud, just another schill for big business, the military industrial complex and his Wall St. gangster thug buddies.

I've mentioned all of this before but it bears repeating.

America, and the world, is finally starting to wake up to the fact that there is no difference between a democrat and a republican in the white house. They both work for the same team. The US has a one party system that is divided into two parts. The sooner that we begin to step outside of the false left vs. right paradigm, the sooner we can begin to right this ship.

It should be known and understood that barely anything the US government does today on a large scale is for the benefit of the common people or any people for that matter. Governments tend to do the bare minimum in order to keep the people from rioting. Of course Obama care is not going to work. It was never designed to work. Its sole purpose is to benefit insurance companies.

Just about everything is done for the benefit of the few, call them the 1%, global elite, choose your name. We are largely governed by an oligarchy that sits at the top of the pyramid and lives off the populace like a blood sucking vampire parasite. The objective is for the continuity of government across seemingly different administrations that centralizes power. Our so called government is nothing but a bought and paid for partner in crime with corrupt corporate interests. One president tags out, another with the same corporate takeover, imperialist agenda tags in. We are largely ruled today by versions of the Dutch East India Company. Just about every major industry has a small cartel that controls it.

They're going to continue keeping the game going by throwing different pitch men at you in order to promote the illusion of forward progress. They've already given you the first "black" president, next they'll start promoting Hillary so that we can have the first female president. And on and on the game will go while we argue with each on this thread other over left this, right that, liberal this, he said she said. It's all nonsense that is designed for us to waste our entire lives, never fully understanding who our true enemy is.
(Even in the USA there have been concentration camps...and there are current plans for many, many more.)

Could you tell us more about these plans Steve?

I must admit, the best post on this very entertaining thread was by Ries.

"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]I mean, why would you want to move to a country that has a socialist health care system that uses taxes to provide no cost health care to all its citizens, (Argentina) to escape living in a country that MIGHT, in some unknown date in the future, change to a socialist health care system that uses taxes to provide no cost health care to all its citizens (USA)?"[/background]

[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Sorry if I missed the answer, I just couldn't stop laughing at some of the drivel posted by the Obama haters. To me he's been a huge disappointment, but to call him a dictator and the like is profoundly ignorant. And sorry Steve, anyone taken in by that nonsense by Ayn Rand can't really be taken seriously. [/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]To me he's been a huge disappointment, but to call him a dictator and the like is profoundly ignorant. [/background]

So please enlighten us. Let us know what do you call someone who declares himself to hold the authority to decide, at his sole discretion, who lives and who dies without any need to press charges, have a prosecution, a trial, a judge or jury. Or the one who claim that they can intercept your communications without a court warrant? What do you call it?

Back in my home country, Brazil, when the generals ruled and had that kind of authority, we called them dictators (even the ones elected by an electoral college, as in the US). But hey, I am willing to concede that there are significant linguistic and cultural differences between Brazil and the US. So please, in the US, what do the "non-ignorant" call their rulers who claim that they call kill people or spy on them without due process?
So please enlighten us. Let us know what do you call someone who declares himself to hold the authority to decide, at his sole discretion, who lives and who dies without any need to press charges, have a prosecution, a trial, a judge or jury. What do you call it?

Back in my home country, Brazil, when the generals ruled and had that kind of authority, we called them dictators. But hey, I am willing to concede that there are significant linguistic and cultural differences between Brazil and the US. So please, in the US, what do they call rulers who claim that they call kill people without due process?
Show me one President that hasn't made those calls in some way at some time. I see Obama as disappointment. Partly due to a lack of experience at runing anything and partly due to a useless disfunctional congress. But no true dictator would have had any problem ramming the Affordable Care Act through in it's original form as a single payer system. But instead we have an abortion that was fabricated by the republicans to benifit big pharma and insurance companies and rebranded as Obamacare as he stood by and naively watched the opposition rebrand a turd and label it with his name. That makes him a fool and not a very effective "dictator".
I know there are two sides to the obamacare debate which can be debated sensibly, but every time I see a thread like this I'm reminded of this cartoon (thanks to whoever posted this first)

I know there are two sides to the obamacare debate which can be debated sensibly, but every time I see a thread like this I'm reminded of this cartoon (thanks to whoever posted this first)


As I understand it, most Libertarians are not against government. They are against a strong NATIONAL government, which is something different. Of course we need states and local governments, but most government that actually impacts our lives comes at the state and local levels, not at the national level. Libertarians are against the accumulation of unnecessary power, because power corrupts. We've seen that story over and over. The point of democracy is that if we can limit the power that people hold, there will be less corruption, abuse, and tyranny. I'm not fully a Libertarian, but I think many of the concepts are very legitimate.
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