The Case Of The 22 Year Old Virgin... Could It Happen Here ?

I was just thinking about the Department of Education as I clicked to see your post, but I wasn't thinking about student loan collection.

It occurred to me for a fleeting instant that a "better" use of "federal funds for firearms" would be to put armed (federal) guards in schools, but, given the anti-gun indoctrination of today's public school aged children, the presence of a real gun (even in the hands of a "good" guy) would probably traumatize them too much to learn anything.

They also would probably also lose their appetite and suffer malnutrition, unable to eat their "Michelle Obama’s Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act" compliant lunch (except for the kid in the corner nibbling his Pop Tart into the shape of a pistol).

Edit: The Agriculture Department has delayed "for two years a requirement that all pastas in schools be whole-grain rich, or more than half whole grain, if they can demonstrate that they have had "significant challenges" in preparing whole-grain pasta."

At least they will now have plenty of time to get the firepower (machine guns) to enforce the requirement when the delay expires.


If every kid had his or her own AR-15, the schools would be so much safer!
I don't know why but I've always had the feeling that, in general, unitedstatesofamerican women were sluttier than argentine women. I've never been to the US so I still couldn't prove this theory. So, the way I see it, if this happened in the US it can certainly happen here.
"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]unitedstatesofamerican women were sluttier than argentine women."

Neither is "slut". But in general, I find American women more confortable with their sexuality. It is not a universal rule, of course, just a generalization.[/background]
Passing laws to outlaw guns is just not going to happen. So lets work on reality. Legalize prostitution. Pass a law that requires everyone to get laid at least twice a week. This includes priests, nuns, right wing Christians, republicans, tea partiers, democraps and yes, even whimpie little 4"2" sissified BMW drivers from California. There ya go...that saves a whole bunch of lives.
Passing laws to outlaw guns is just not going to happen. So lets work on reality. Legalize prostitution. Pass a law that requires everyone to get laid at least twice a week. This includes priests, nuns, right wing Christians, republicans, tea partiers, democraps and yes, even whimpie little 4"2" sissified BMW drivers from California. There ya go...that saves a whole bunch of lives.

However desirable it might be, outlawing guns is probably unnecessary. Regulating them, including licensing of individual weapons and users, and liability insurance, is critically important.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why we can't even pass a universal background check law. It's pretty common sense to me. And if people are so concerned that their government only wants to pass the law so they can document gun owners and take all the guns, maybe they should consider moving to another country. Why should people have to live in fear of their precious guns being taken away?

Also, the whole "the answer to guns is more guns" argument is equally as ridiculous, FYI. Maybe we can just cut gym class in elementary schools and replace it with target practice. If the NRA got its way, and all the teachers had guns, we could actually implement a target practice class into each university's school of education, so that all the teachers can be prepared.

and while we're at it, it's silly to say that gun deaths are not a big problem, just because more people die falling from high places. And that its not a problem because "only" 8000+ people die from guns each year.

But, this is one of those arguments where side A is never going to convince side B of their viewpoint, and vice versa, and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, so no offense meant to anyone.
However desirable it might be, outlawing guns is probably unnecessary. Regulating them, including licensing of individual weapons and users, and liability insurance, is critically important.

And furthermore, I dont think it says anywhere in the second amendment "the right to bear arms with no regulation".
"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]unitedstatesofamerican women were sluttier than argentine women."

Neither is "slut". But in general, I find American women more confortable with their sexuality. It is not a universal rule, of course, just a generalization.[/background]

I was having this conversation with my boyfriend the other day. He said that in his 'younger' days he would go out to clubs with his friends and kiss at least two girls in the same night. He said he's kissed hundreds of girls. The girls were kissy-kissy all over the place. But to get them in bed was much more of a challenge. Many girls will make the guy take them on several dates (sometimes for months and months) before giving it up, especially if they think the guy could be a serious prospect for a partner.

In the states, maybe girls give it up faster cuz we'd rather know if it's any good before wasting any more precious time! But we don't just let random dudes make out with us on the dance floor. I remember when I went to an exchange student party in France and a Brazilian guy tried to kiss me and I was like, "whoa whoa... just cuz I'm dancing with you doesn't mean I want your tongue in my mouth!" Well I didn't say that I just ran away kind of disgusted.

So yeah... different social customs I guess...?