I think BA is a city where either you are infatuated almost the day you arrive - or you aren't.
All those little things, the obstacles you encounter - they are the little tests that reaffirm to you that it's worth it.
I get the lack of variety in food but I agree that the produce and what is available here more than makes up for it if you just cook for yourself once in a while. Give up trying to eat Asian food when you are out. I had the worst thai food in my life not in BA but in Dublin. Shocking? Only in that I bothered to try.
There are a lot of plain and boring restaurants with empanadas, BUT, I woudl take those over the hundreds of fast food places we have in North America. I mean, that is the pricepoint we are dealing with. As soon as you spend a bit of money, you are getting great value.
Ultimately, I view the obstacles as filters. Thank god for them or everyone would be here.