The New Head Of Banco Nacion

This from the king of teenage behavior.
Will someone please explain the concept of "The pot calling the kettle black" to this guy?
Nah, not possible. I've not been on this board long, so I don't have the experience that many of you have, but it seems likely that Bajo is actually sincere and believes what he's saying. So he really, truly thinks the the anti-k's here are haters while the incessant malicious bullshit he spouts about Macri - well, that's not hatred at all! Just facts! And the rest of us are just to dumb to get it.

How else to explain "Macri is the next President and I respect that."? That, after months of pure, undiluted, disrespectful, bile in large doses delivered hourly. So, hatred to Bajo is a completely different thing than it is to the rest of the world. However, delusions can only take one so far. It still is true that Macri won and is the next President of Argentina.

She could be doing her "yearlong capstone research project," however, it still requires a certain number of courses, non of which are offered online or remotely:

Sounds like bullshit to me.
Rich One, this is the law, not my opinion:

As you read, the CEO of LAN cannot become the CEO of Aerolineas Argentina. I gues that`s why the Next President decided for some else.

If you want to LEARN more about something you obviously IGNORED, you can read this:

Etica Pública/ Conflicto de intereses
<a href="http://www.anticorru...25.188.PDF">Ley N° 25.188 Etica en el Ejercicio de la Función Pública
Dec. 862/01 Modificación a la ley 25.188 (véase “Oficina Anticorrupción” Dec. 164/99 y sus modificatorias)
Dec. 41/99 Código de Etica en la Función Pública
Ley N° 26.857 Modificación Ley N° 25.188
Dec. 895/13 Reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.857

As I suggested to EJLarson before, to ask insted of to assert is wiser.

By the way, what was the question you mentioned.

Thanks for the data. Read Captulo V articulo 12 to 17 found no incompatibility please quote the text...!
Thanks for the data. Read Captulo V articulo 12 to 17 found no incompatibility please quote the text...!
Could be my Spanish fails me, but I see nothing that prevents a private-sector CEO from taking a similar government position.
Article 13 prohibits the simultaneous status of being a vendor or provider to the government while holding a government job - not disqualified for ever holding the two jobs at different times.
Article 14 bars anyone who was active in government business from taking a regulatory job over those same businesses for three years.

Did I miss something?
Could be my Spanish fails me, but I see nothing that prevents a private-sector CEO from taking a similar government position.
Article 13 prohibits the simultaneous status of being a vendor or provider to the government while holding a government job.
Article 14 bars anyone who was active in government business from taking a regulatory job over those same businesses for three years.

Did I miss something?

Correct ... just hot air.... scare us throwing the Code.... :eek:
So, there is a big difference between the President we have and the President we are going to have.
Well, that's something we all agree on.

So here's a simple question with either a YES or a NO for an answer.

Do you believe that Boudou is a felon and should go to jail?
Someone please explain to me the difference between the following in Spanish:
Denuncia = accusation?
Procesado = charged (with a crime)?
Condenado = indicted/convicted?

There are so many denuncias and what not flying around at the moment it's hard to keep track.
Someone please explain to me the difference between the following in Spanish:
Denuncia = accusation?
Procesado = charged (with a crime)?
Condenado = indicted/convicted?

There are so many denuncias and what not flying around at the moment it's hard to keep track.


Denunciado = not proven guilty yet
Procesado = not proven guilty yet
Condenado = proven guilty

Neither Macri nor Boudou have been proven to be guilty of any crimes hence any judgement against either of these right now is immature, wrong and has no legal standing whatsoever until they've been condenado. Until then, they're both innocent according to the law.