The New Head Of Banco Nacion

Only 4 months in the job and admitting to not being sufficiently qualified.mmm wont look good on the cv .Didnt cfk tell her that she wasnt too keen on scioli winning and 'oh and theres no money left in the vaults maybe a bag of chocolate coins no wait i think max already found them."
You always amaze me.... never answer the question but retort with what about the PRO....jajajaj

Dr, Bajo is a great source of info for all of us ..He represents the average thinking of a young Argentine professional ..!!
He amazes me with his views on certain topics... like a CEO from the private sector can't go to the Public Sector. Or a CEO from a corporation like LAN cant go to be CEO of Aerolineas , he would try to destroy Aerolineas....??? Very Educational...! Or the Head of Halliburton can be CEO of YPF...!

Rich One, this is the law, not my opinion:

As you read, the CEO of LAN cannot become the CEO of Aerolineas Argentina. I gues that`s why the Next President decided for some else.

If you want to LEARN more about something you obviously IGNORED, you can read this:

Etica Pública/ Conflicto de intereses
<a href="http://www.anticorru...25.188.PDF">Ley N° 25.188 Etica en el Ejercicio de la Función Pública
Dec. 862/01 Modificación a la ley 25.188 (véase “Oficina Anticorrupción” Dec. 164/99 y sus modificatorias)
Dec. 41/99 Código de Etica en la Función Pública
Ley N° 26.857 Modificación Ley N° 25.188
Dec. 895/13 Reglamentación de la Ley Nº 26.857

As I suggested to EJLarson before, to ask insted of to assert is wiser.

By the way, what was the question you mentioned.
So by this logic it is ok to become a criminal as long as you do so after you become a politician. That's why you find Cristina's crimes acceptable? And Anibal's? And Boudou's? And Moreno? etc

Macri was procesado several times. It means that many times there was found evidence that he commited crimes.
He and his familly made their fortune as providers of the State: corruption.

The President was many denuncias but she was never PROCESADA.

Lanata and Periodismo para Todos is not a reliable source of information, it is all rotten fish for boycotting CFK. Now that Macri won, he doesn´t continue with the show, I gues that Clarin is not sponsoring him any more.

Elisa Carrio is a serial denunciatory. The same we can say about Laura Alonso (Pro) and Patricia Bulrich (PRO):

Regarding PRO rotten fish (dirty campaign):

So, there is a big difference between the President we have and the President we are going to have.
Read your own post. You asserted it.

But Macri won. He is your new president.

EJLarson, you are just pissed off because I evidence your ignorancy in something you asserted with a lot of arrogancy. Instead of behaving like a teenager, improve your arguments.

Macri is the next President and I respect that, not like many members of this forum who never respected the former President because they are full of hate.

Reallity is that this is the first time in history that the extreme right wins an election, so they have the chance to do a good job and then to be re-elected.

If they do that, they are going to change their`s own history because they always were super corrupt. Translation: they used to robb 80% of the budget plus to destroy the country. The decline and fall of this country began with the coup against Peron. By 1975 the external debt was 4 billion usd. By 1983 when democracy came back, it was over 90 billion.

Videla did the same than Macri is doing, all professionals from the private sector in Key places of the economy.

Vidal already asserted that to take loans is healthy, scary!
EJLarson, you are just pissed off because I evidence your ignorancy in something you asserted with a lot of arrogancy. Instead of behaving like a teenager, improve your arguments.

This from the king of teenage behavior.

Will someone please explain the concept of "The pot calling the kettle black" to this guy?