The New Head Of Banco Nacion

Sure. Anyone who runs against the k's.

Or whoever Bajo says is one.

Hope that clears it up.

what about Menem? was he extreme right? Were the Kirchners and all the peronists who were with him at the time extreme right?





what about Menem? was he extreme right? Were the Kirchners and all the peronists who were with him at the time extreme right?
Are you using the sarcasm font? I sure was.

But it's actually a good question, mostly because the good doctor and others who don't admire Mauricio much do use Menem's reign as part of the Bad Old Times that they are sure Macri is going to repeat. If you take that literally then it seems that Menem and pre-k Kirchner are tarred with the "extreme right" brush too.

What say some of you who were here in the 80's-90's?
Someone please explain to me the difference between the following in Spanish:
Denuncia = accusation?
Procesado = charged (with a crime)?
Condenado = indicted/convicted?

There are so many denuncias and what not flying around at the moment it's hard to keep track.

Also theres 'imputado'

Whatever that means exactly
Some people think that Cfk isnt as corrupt as macri therefore she isnt corrupt therefore theres simply nothing to address on her side...

After 12 glorious years of immense improvements for the patria youd think the camporistas and k supporters would be fairly satisfied. They believe in democracy and the democratic process of voting. And they accept macri won. And they know that macri has his hands tied in congress and has the odds against him in finishing his term on a good note. So why so much bitterness? If macri starts naming huge dams and cultural centres after himself or spends the nations wealth on entirely unsustainable programs (to win votes) that do the opposite of empowering people etc etc etc then im sure all the people here that 'love' macri now will dislike/despise him as much as they do cfk. In other words the dislike of /hate for cfk is actually something rational and not because of the way she styles her hair.
Some people think that Cfk isnt as corrupt as macri therefore she isnt corrupt therefore theres simply nothing to address on her side...

After 12 glorious years of immense improvements for the patria youd think the camporistas and k supporters would be fairly satisfied. They believe in democracy and the democratic process of voting. And they accept macri won. And they know that macri has his hands tied in congress and has the odds against him in finishing his term on a good note. So why so much bitterness? If macri starts naming huge dams and cultural centres after himself or spends the nations wealth on entirely unsustainable programs (to win votes) that do the opposite of empowering people etc etc etc then im sure all the people here that 'love' macri now will dislike/despise him as much as they do cfk. In other words the dislike of /hate for cfk is actually something rational and not because of the way she styles her hair.
She used to be a looker, I'll give you that.
Some people think that Cfk isnt as corrupt as macri therefore she isnt corrupt therefore theres simply nothing to address on her side...

After 12 glorious years of immense improvements for the patria youd think the camporistas and k supporters would be fairly satisfied. They believe in democracy and the democratic process of voting. And they accept macri won. And they know that macri has his hands tied in congress and has the odds against him in finishing his term on a good note. So why so much bitterness? If macri starts naming huge dams and cultural centres after himself or spends the nations wealth on entirely unsustainable programs (to win votes) that do the opposite of empowering people etc etc etc then im sure all the people here that 'love' macri now will dislike/despise him as much as they do cfk. In other words the dislike of /hate for cfk is actually something rational and not because of the way she styles her hair.

Kindly stop looking for quasi/pseudo-rational ways to present your obvious hate as if rational.

We all know the truth.