The New Head Of Banco Nacion

you don't see any problem with emptying the central bank of all the money before leaving?

If Cristina / the Campora / Alicia wins in 2019 and finds the bank empty that'll be fine too?

A) According to the former opposition, they were already depleted and the numbers were as real as INDEC's;

B ) if they are empty is because the farmers are waiting for a higher usd and they are putting presure for eliminating the retenciones:

So, then, if they are empty is because Macri's fault because he talked about future.

The same happend with the price is flour thst rise 100%.

So, Macri is showing a huge lack of political skills.

C) The main problem of this country was, since the coup of Peron, that the anti peronist just want to destroy what the Peronist acchieved and go in the opposite direction. Macri won because he promested to keeps what the K did well, I hope he will.

D) Well, they are going to do the same they did before: to rebuilt it.
Bad farmers, that want to get higher payment! Not social, not social at all!

And bad macri, that tells what he is going to do as politician! In democratic regimes is not allowed for politicians to reveal future plans, he should know better. At least he could learn from honest peronismo, that was doing opposite as saying it will.

Seriously, if you want to destroy achievements of "peronismo", you are doing the country a huge favor!
Please, if CFK had done the same thing, you would be going on about how she was defending the patria of the country and that it is entirely just and fair and in no way xenophobic.

Sure! Google Rubilar + Consejo de la Magistratura and you are going to find out that the dismiss cases i made were against 2 K friendly judges because they enforce race sellection abolished laws.
Bajo, I appreciate your forthright comments, even when unpopular. But besides unpopular, you are very wrong. Not a little wrong, but big-time. Your immersion in Argentine culture make your opinions on politics border on the delusional.

For most of us from outside, accustomed to elections and winners and losers and transitions of power, mostly everything we read in the news about Macri's behavior and attitude sounds appropriate. A lot of what we are reading about lower level K's behavior sounds appropriate. (A shining example: Randazzo. Another great one: Scioli). Just about everything we are hearing about CFK does not.

Yes until the 10th of December CFK is the legal president and Macri is legally nobody. That said, on the 10th he will be responsible from minute 0 for everything, and in order not to make the process needlessly traumatic, there exist some norms of transition which are adhered to everywhere but here. They arise from common courtesy, and from an understanding that to make the next government be able to function correctly is a function of government.

In stable countries, it is understood that the president-elect is consulted when it comes major decisions the repercussions of which will be his to deal with.

In stable countries, non-urgent actions such as the court's decision - which gave the nation and the provinces 120 days to sort things out - are left for the incoming president to decide, not peremptorily "just done". And certainly not without even consulting him FFS.

In normal stable countries, the goodbyes are done before the inaugural. Those preceding days are the ones when the president has the floor largely to herself. Again, that does not mean "pretend there won't be a new government in 9 days", but the Casa Rosada is hers and hers alone - and then the goodbyes are said. That's why the inaugural is called the inaugural, not the farewell. The inaugural is just that - the first day of the new presidency, when the eyes of the nation are on the new guy. By the way CFK understands this, which is precisely why rather than say her goodbyes when it's appropriate, she is trying to appropriate to herself that which is not hers. Again, in stable democracies that just doesn't happen.

All of these are pretty obvious things for anyone not from here, not blinded by partisan politics. That it is not obvious to you just indicates what a twilight zone this place is.
I dont know if Macri is right or extreme right. What I am 100% positive sure is that the entire extreme right supports and voted for Macri.
Yes, you and I agree that the designation of Rossi as one of the directors of Banco Nacion was Nepotism. And from all your posts about "democracy" and "strong opposition to Macri in Congress" it would seem that we agree that Macri's presidency will not be despotism since despotism means absolute power without any opposition whatsoever. The appointment of Alonso does not amount to despotism just because you don't like her. Problem with decretos is that any president can create a decreto and then later any president who doesn't like it can change that decreto, for better or for worse. Lastly, his 8 years in the city clearly show no sign whatsoever of despotism.

Nepotism means the designations of relatives:

While despotism means the goverment that rules violating the law, abusing of power against others:

You liked of not, CFK ruled with the Congress even you disagree with the decisions they made.

Macri`s despotism means to change the rules with name and last name: Laura Alonso who is not a lawyer. It also means to dismiss Vanolli, Gils Garbo and other by decree when there are very specific procedures for dismiss them as soon as they have stability some of them for lifetime some others until an specific date.

I always tell my children that they have to study at University because today highschool is useless: you can become a hard hat or the President of Banco Provincia like Jorge Macri. Ups. he has the same last name than the future President...what a coincidence!

Wait! Rossi at least had an University degree!

Gustavo Arribas is going to be the head of the local CIA (side). He is acused of evation and triangulation in the sell of soccer players (Tevez, Guido Carrillo) through the company HAZ ( Fernando Hidalgo, Gustavo Arribas and Pinhas Zahavi). Wait, he is not a relative, just a intimate friend and posible figurehead of Macri. The company HAS is accused of co-working with the Russian Mafia because of its connections with Boris Beresovsky.


And you complained about Bodou? (I complained too but I didn´t voted for Macri) But this has a positive side, at least he has an university degree.

In fact, according to you Cristina's government was all despotism (and I agree, it was), since you said

I don`t think that CFK goverment was despotic, I agreed about nespotism because of the designation of relatives like Rossi. But we can see the same or worst with Macri as I pointed before and in the next reply.

Anyway, I am sure there are more qualified people out there than Alonso like Garrido (I'll take your word for it since I don't know enough to make a judgement either way). However, calling that despotism is actually misunderstanding the term altogether.

As I explained you before, you cannot enact a degree to change the requirements for Laura Alonso. You cannot dismiss the General Prosecutor with a decree neither. All this is despotic.

The issue with Laurita Alonso is mayor because there is no way you can do the job without to be a lawyer. Unless you are designated there to guarantee immunity.

On the other hand, Laurita Alonso and Patricia Bullrich called several times Nisman before he commit suicide / was killed. Prosecutors Nisman and Di Lello acused Macri for the illegal phone tapping. As I pointed before, the criminal procedure here is diferent: only 2% of the cases has a procesado and they are sent to trial; only 2% of the procesados are found non guilty at the trial. So, guess what, now the Fiscal Di Lello changed his mind because he has fear of having a domestic accident and fall into a bullet like Nisman did after spending the whole day talking by telephone with Laurita Alonso and Patricia Bullrich.

Seems that Vanolli is going to resign, only after his familly was threated. Nice.

So, just for fun:
Personally, I couldn't care less where they agree to do the party. Or, if they don't agree at all, I choose to be barely entertained by that.

What worries me is whether the traffic will be affected that day. Anyone knows about any planned closures, or what about we can expect?