The New Head Of Banco Nacion

Bajo, I appreciate your forthright comments, even when unpopular. But besides unpopular, you are very wrong. Not a little wrong, but big-time. Your immersion in Argentine culture make your opinions on politics border on the delusional.

For most of us from outside, accustomed to elections and winners and losers and transitions of power, mostly everything we read in the news about Macri's behavior and attitude sounds appropriate. A lot of what we are reading about lower level K's behavior sounds appropriate. (A shining example: Randazzo. Another great one: Scioli). Just about everything we are hearing about CFK does not.

Yes until the 10th of December CFK is the legal president and Macri is legally nobody. That said, on the 10th he will be responsible from minute 0 for everything, and in order not to make the process needlessly traumatic, there exist some norms of transition which are adhered to everywhere but here. They arise from common courtesy, and from an understanding that to make the next government be able to function correctly is a function of government.

In stable countries, it is understood that the president-elect is consulted when it comes major decisions the repercussions of which will be his to deal with.

In stable countries, non-urgent actions such as the court's decision - which gave the nation and the provinces 120 days to sort things out - are left for the incoming president to decide, not peremptorily "just done". And certainly not without even consulting him FFS.

In normal stable countries, the goodbyes are done before the inaugural. Those preceding days are the ones when the president has the floor largely to herself. Again, that does not mean "pretend there won't be a new government in 9 days", but the Casa Rosada is hers and hers alone - and then the goodbyes are said. That's why the inaugural is called the inaugural, not the farewell. The inaugural is just that - the first day of the new presidency, when the eyes of the nation are on the new guy. By the way CFK understands this, which is precisely why rather than say her goodbyes when it's appropriate, she is trying to appropriate to herself that which is not hers. Again, in stable democracies that just doesn't happen.

All of these are pretty obvious things for anyone not from here, not blinded by partisan politics. That it is not obvious to you just indicates what a twilight zone this place is.

Ben, with all my respect, most of the disagreements we have are regarding culture.
There are 2 juridic systems: roman and common law. The rules are completely different.

In the continental law, also known as roman law, the election (to win it) is an incomplete juridic situation that needs for the ceremony at the Congress and later oath to start having legal consequenses. This is called perfeccionamiento del acto juridico.

Macri is not the President since the 10th of dezember. In fact, he might not be and the Vice President can become the President. That is why Macri is putting so much presure to gat a declaration of non guilty before the 10th in the criminal case of the illegal phone tapping.

This is what you are not understanding and what confuses you and other members of this forum. The whole fight is regarding law.

Besides that, it is not true that in other countries politicians are gentelmen because as far as I remember, Obama had a similar situation when the opposition paralized the budget and they almost closed the administration of the wholes country, remember?

I remeber you that this is the Congress after the election:

And at the senators it is even worst for Macri because the FPV has their own quorum.

So, Macri`s way of making politics is all about to look like cool and nice, he spend a lot of money in marketing and yellow ballons, however, politics are something else.
Long time no speak Matias.

Still waiting for an response regarding your allegations that Macri suggested murdering trapitos, which were as scandalous and offensive as they were ridiculous.

You mean this right?:

The opposition says that this is what Macri means with zero poverty...
I dont know if Macri is right or extreme right. What I am 100% positive sure is that the entire extreme right supports and voted for Macri.

No, common people voted for him.
That is why he spend so much money in marketing and he prefer to talk about hapiness and yellow ballons.

Expreme right is defined by racism, nationalism and autoritarism.
I already show how Macri enacted a category for the tango contest where you had to be a "pure" porteño. In Argentina there is a local fight between Unitarios and Federales. Unitarios is Buenos Aires. The racism of Macri is against foreigners plus countrisiders. That is why he was so despective with the countryside during the campaign.

His nationalism is weird because the ultra right here thinks that it means to become a Colony of Spain again. As you can read in news papers, the first thing he did is to contact Spaniard politicians. But Macri went beyong and wants to be a colony of the US too. I m going to post later some documents about this.

Regarding autoritarism, we are starting to see it with the decrees he wants to enact for allowing Laurita Alonso to get a position where you need to be a lawyer, and with the future atempt of dismiss of legal authorities with lifetime permanency in their positions like the General Prosecutor.
Macri is not the President since the 10th of dezember. In fact, he might not be and the Vice President can become the President. That is why Macri is putting so much presure to gat a declaration of non guilty before the 10th in the criminal case of the illegal phone tapping.

This is what you are not understanding and what confuses you and other members of this forum. The whole fight is regarding law.

Oh dear.
Doc, please help to soothe my fevered brow.
Are you seriously suggesting that Macri might not in fact become president next Thursday?
Are you saying that, unless he gets a not guilty verdict in the phone tapping case he may in fact be barred from becoming president?
Are you also saying that a trial is taking place before next Thursday?
Suggest we hide the hatchets for the Holidays , I declare a truce with Dr, Bajo until next year.
When Refuting ideas of oppositors we provide them space to air more ideological issues. :cool:
Nepotism means the designations of relatives:

Yes. No one's arguing that.

While despotism means the goverment that rules violating the law, abusing of power against others:

The source you quoted says: El despotismo fue una forma de gobierno que tenían algunas monarquías europeas del siglo XVIII, en las que los reyes seguían teniendo poder absoluto. English version of that says exactly the same: Despotism is a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power.

You have mentioned it various time that Macri is going to be met with strong opposition. And that he can't achieve what he says he wants to achieve since quoting Cristina you said "a country is not a company". Now according to your own argument there is nothing despotic about the presidency of Macri (which hasn't even started yet). In that, we are still in agreement.

And you complained about Bodou? (I complained too but I didn´t voted for Macri).

Are you still talking to me or addressing someone else because all I said about Boudou was that neither him nor Macri are legally guilty (aka condenado) of any crime. Doesn't matter how much you dislike the guy who's procesado, be it Boudou, Macri or Satan himself, being procesado does not mean "guilty" according to the law. The judge and the fiscal have decided that there's no proof to keep Macri procesado so they're going to lift the procesamiento. You don't like it, that's fine. The judicial system isn't around to make people feel good about themselves.

As I explained you before, you cannot enact a degree to change the requirements for Laura Alonso.

You didn't explain that to me. Regardless, Macri as president can change the decree to change the requirement, whether that is good or bad is another discussion.

You cannot dismiss the General Prosecutor with a decree neither. All this is despotic.

True. And no one has suggested that Macri is going to or is planning on doing it.

As for Jorge Macri. From what you're saying his case is no different than that of Rossi's. Nepotism. So he should be removed and someone else more qualified installed in his place.

Lastly, this isn't a soccer game where I have a team and you have a team and we go defending our teams no matter how horrible they are. No one here is under the impression that Macri is an angel. To many here Macri is the lesser of two evils so far. If tomorrow he starts acting like a dimwit like Cristina then my hope would be that someone else who is less bad than Macri becomes president next. However, I am not going to get my panties in a twist before the guy's even started work as president (and don't worry, he will be president starting December 10th, whether La Campora likes it or not) just because some people can't stomach the fact that he actually defeated Scioli.
Only during dictatorships the power was given at the Casa Rosada from one dictator to another.

If you read article 30 of the National Constitution it says that the power comes from Congress to the President and what Macri wants makes him a traitor.

Anibal Fernandez is right when he says that the art. 93 of the National Constitution established the procedure. If they do what Macri wants, they can be later prosecuted by violating their duties aS public officers.

Here is a basic lesson for you.
And yet another example of how the outgoing administration handles things: