I'll risk the egg on my face, and go out on a pretty thick limb and say that this just won't happen, but its nice to think that a perfect storm will help Argentina rise permanently above the consequences of the absolute idiocy of its governing class (all political parties).
Argentina will go into crisis after commodity prices drop. The government has not changed its M.O., and is expecting to get different results from previous economic cycles. Its pretty much always the same in Argentina.... the infamous 10-year cycle.
1. Crisis, peso falls, poverty increases.
2. Drop in peso's value on international market brings down costs for businesses around the country. Leads to more jobs, more exports, more tax income. Standard of living rises.
3. Exporters bring in more dollars, which would strengthen value of peso (as has been seen in Brasil) However, Argentina responds by printing pesos to buy these dollars (
Central Bank purchases on the open market are over U$800 million this year) Peso/dollar value remains stable, inflation increases in both Peso and Dollar terms.
4. Government places heavy taxes on most lucrative industries to pay for its constantly rising expenditures, but is still forced to issue bonds to cover the deficit. Serves to cover immediate needs but dissuades much long term investment. Argentine businesses aren't able to compete internationally as a result of rising costs.
5. Drop in commodity prices lead to a decrease in government revenues, drop in the demand for pesos (exporters must buy pesos with the dollars they get) Value of peso starts to fall, government faces temptation to print more pesos to cover the rising deficit.
6. Snowball effect that has been seen over and over as private citizens rush to get rid of their pesos. Value of peso continues to drop.
7. Crisis, return to #1.
I wish it wasn't this way as I love Argentina. I've spent countless hours questioning why a country as rich as this can't seem to get it right. So it brings me no satisfaction to see it in crisis.