scotttswan said:
How will JWB's proposed country fund itself?
You know, in a perfect world, a government/country would fund itself like a business. I don't know exactly how it would work, but it's certainly been suggested many times.
If a government was run like a business, it would be forced to create income streams. But if it wasn't the only business in town, in whatever industry it went into, it wouldn't be fascism and it wouldn't be a monopoly. If the government had to play by the same rules everyone else had to comply with, it would be a win-win for everyone.
A government could do just that, in general outlines, with a small income stream as fixed taxes allows the government to reinvest that money in businesses, and earnings from those businesses (which by the way, really create jobs) and small taxes recovered from that growth would come to the government.
It would limit the size of the country and/or what the government could afford to do.
With a steady income in free market enterprises like everyone else, it could use those profits to first build a common defense. If it could afford it, a common infrastructure, although there's nothing that says the smaller political units couldn't coordinate that between themselves as well, if it was in their interests. Remember, if everything is run as free enterprise, it would be in the interests of many parties to build roads connecting centers of commerce and production.
If it wanted to go into the healthcare business because it thought it could do better - go for it! But it would still have to compete with other healthcare companies.
Look at any monopoly in the history of the US (probably anywhere else as well) and you'll find that most were created with the help of the government and the rest didn't last very long - they were usually started by entrepreneurs that were ahead of the game, but others always catch up and take the wind out of the sails and there is no more monopoly.
Let government constrain itself by funding itself and playing by the same rules as everyone else.