The Pope Is Argentine

Wake up people. This guy is far from disgusting--he represents some of the best of Argentina. This man has stood up time and time again to the Ks and has been a force of social justice, constantly spending time combating poverty. He is a real hero. I am not Catholic but I for am glad he was chosen because he has a pair and will go after greedy people, at least publicly. In a time of incredible economic disparity, a person of great character was FINALLY chosen somewhere to lead, which is a rarity. Let's hope he can stay humble. Before you start criticizing, do some checking on his background, and you might think again.
Wake up people. This guy is far from disgusting--he represents some of the best of Argentina. This man has stood up time and time again to the Ks and has been a force of social justice, constantly spending time combating poverty. He is a real hero. I am not Catholic but I for am glad he was chosen because he has a pair and will go after greedy people, at least publicly. In a time of incredible economic disparity, a person of great character was FINALLY chosen somewhere to lead, which is a rarity. Let's hope he can stay humble. Before you start criticizing, do some checking on his background, and you might think again.

No he is disgusting.

He said nothing while the Dictatorship here killed innocent people.
He is against gay marriage.

No he is disgusting.

He said nothing while the Dictatorship here killed innocent people.
He is against gay marriage.


Don't think you will find any of the Cardinals involved in the Conclave support gay marriage ...............
He has been a thorn in the side of the Kirchners - a constant critic of the government. On moral theology he is a conservative. I am not sure, though, that he is as firmly anti married priest as Benedict. In terms of liturgy he is anti-traditonalist. Ironically, he is like the Kirchners in that he is populist and tends to be authoritarian. I have never warmed to him but he will give Argentina a boost.
There is no love lost between CFK and Francis 1. He speaks out strongly against overreaching state powers. CFK even stopped going to his annual address because he was talking directly to her.

It also appears that he knew more, and could have testified more, about the activities of the Junta than he did.
I was just out there to buy something and people overheard my Neapolitan discourse.

Although I may say 'hasta la vista' and 'joder' every once in a while I still talk with a heavily Argentine accent. Once you go lunfardo, you never go back.

Frankly, I have always waited for this moment: to get congratulated by random people because the pope is an Argentine. I am currently excercising artificial enthusiasm in front of my mirror, in order not to hurt any possible feelings. Perhaps responding ''metete el papa en el orto'' would be a bit too much of a sensitive thing in such a Catholic country.

However, I am glad that some more people, maybe 1 % of the general global population, may eventually realize where Argentina is located on a map and that is not the same thing as Brazil nor Mexico. That would be kind of a benefit, I'd say.
Most Christian people believe that homosexuality is morally wrong, thereby do not support it. It is part and parcel of the worldview. That hardly makes someone repugnant. As far as the other stuff, "He did not say enough against the dictadura", I smell a witch hunt (a little irony intended there). And that hardly qualifies him as "repugnant". Would you have publicly spoken against the military government? What would have happened to you? Maybe he didn't have the character and courage he now has at that moment in time? How harsh and judgmental can everyone here be? Just because he is a religious leader does not mean he is evil. That seemed to be everyone's knee jerk reaction, when the opposite seems true. Like, for instance, his alphabetization program in the villas.