The Russians are leaving Argentina

Funny what you say about PC not reaching Argentina, when the first line in the article says "Las rusas (y los rusos)..." a play on words on the usual gender "equality" PC that has taken over the spanish language in Argentina. But OK, guess you are fine with that.
Cristina Kirchner and her ilk have long tried to impose the use of "chiques" instead of chicos, but hardly anyone uses the term. Indeed, it has become sort of a joke, a way to make fun of pompous people

By and large, Argentines recognize it for the fake "egalitarian" nonsense that it is.
Funny what you say about PC not reaching Argentina, when the first line in the article says "Las rusas (y los rusos)..." a play on words on the usual gender "equality" PC that has taken over the spanish language in Argentina. But OK, guess you are fine with that.
That's just Pagina12 displaying the same cipayo mindset which they so fiercely denounce in other contexts.
