The Sad State Of The Argentinian Navy

Argentine Navy -- poised to attack the Falklands:
I have a friend that works in the for the intelligence wing of the government, and her father is in the military. I also have a friend, for love of his country, who recently went into the military. Confirmed by both: there is practically no military to speak of in Argentina; it has been totally destroyed. It's somewhat understandable. However, that hardly means that a dictatorship cannot return through Cristina. Those people she is letting out of jail and go to public events, what are they called? Batallon Militar. Hmmm......It's hardly necessary to have a powerful military to have a dictatorship and kill people. I hope those people here in Argentina will wake up and see that just because someone has a different ideology, that hardly means that they will be good rulers. Power corrupts everyone no matter what ideology they have.
Yes, not having a functional military in this region is not that tragic. Can anyone seriously consider an armed conflict involving any of the neighboring countries? The truth is that the chances for a military conflict in the region are minimum. Tensions are low, the level of economical integration is high, culturally, ethnically and religiously all the countries in the region have high levels of similarities.
With so many more pressing issues, I think few Argentinians really care that the Navy has no ammunition or fuel, or that the ancient Mirage III jets of the air force have not flown since 2006 due to lack of maintenance.
Well. OK Xtina didn't embezzle to the money to produce this flop. She borrowed it from the retirement funds.
I have a friend that works in the for the intelligence wing of the government, and her father is in the military. I also have a friend, for love of his country, who recently went into the military. Confirmed by both: there is practically no military to speak of in Argentina; it has been totally destroyed. It's somewhat understandable. However, that hardly means that a dictatorship cannot return through Cristina. Those people she is letting out of jail and go to public events, what are they called? Batallon Militar. Hmmm......It's hardly necessary to have a powerful military to have a dictatorship and kill people. I hope those people here in Argentina will wake up and see that just because someone has a different ideology, that hardly means that they will be good rulers. Power corrupts everyone no matter what ideology they have.

GOLPISTA! Off with your head! Long live the Queen!
I have a friend that works in the for the intelligence wing of the government, and her father is in the military. I also have a friend, for love of his country, who recently went into the military. Confirmed by both: there is practically no military to speak of in Argentina; it has been totally destroyed. It's somewhat understandable. However, that hardly means that a dictatorship cannot return through Cristina. Those people she is letting out of jail and go to public events, what are they called? Batallon Militar. Hmmm......It's hardly necessary to have a powerful military to have a dictatorship and kill people. I hope those people here in Argentina will wake up and see that just because someone has a different ideology, that hardly means that they will be good rulers. Power corrupts everyone no matter what ideology they have.

Well, you obviusly haven't got a CLUE! Neither the people you know. The problem is that the mayority of the FFAA want just everything ''key's'' in hand (bought) and the governament does not want this, how do I know this? I work for a CITEFA contractor. (a very few examples of what the FAA is investigating).

It's very sad to see people from other countrys that come to live to Argentina and denigrate the Nation... Anyway, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Argentina: Pais generoso :D
Thanks Joe, very interesting. I doubt very much that CFK will attack the Falklands. I don't think she, with her abhorrence of anything military, will want to have blood on her hands. Relations with Britain would be ruptured for a very long time. Even Obama, as much as he would like to side with Argentina against "colonialist" Britain, would be unable to justify the action. The islanders would be forced to live under an army of occupation. Their enmity toward Argentina would be well documented. I am not even sure that there would be widespread support among Argentines for an invasion, loss of life and the negative publicity it would give Argentina. Now having said that..... Irrational people can do wild things.....One never knows.....