The Sad State Of The Argentinian Navy

This video is straight out of Monty Python.
Michael Palin in a funny posh voice which sounds more like Field Marshall Monty rather than the Python variety and wearing unconvincing glasses says ,,, "the risk is minimal but there might be an effort in the future" ..... but first of all there would be a diplomatic effort to "calm everybody down" inorder to lull a false sense of security before "the attack" by the Argentines

Calm everybody down? Ah yes that's just what we have right now Cristina and cronies are busy doing that alright. "All right Calm down Calm down Calm Down" her words every speech ... perhaps she could get herself a Liverpudlian perm to go with it

British Forces News want a new RN Carrier. Yeah how about that! what a shock!! :lol: .

First of all before letting the RN play with anything bigger lets get see those new RN attack submarines managing to steer past sandbanks and to use metal that doesnt rust through so the boat can go out of sight of the shore without worries they will sink

£1.5bn submarine compared to Morris Minor as whistleblower reveals serious faults with pride of Royal Navy 17 Nov 2012 07:25
The hunter killer submarines has been beleaguered by serious issues ever since the lead ship of the class ran aground during sea trials.

http://www.dailyreco...s-minor-1441109 NB Morris Minors still running get a premium!!
In case you missed it nine months ago, Sean Penn has Argentina's back when it come to Las Malvinas:
Didn't he go to Baghdad to hang out with his (late) pal Saddam Hussein? Maybe Obama will give Sean Hillary's job. I mean, like Sean is just soooooooo articulate and smart, not to mention cooooooool. Gotta stop that colonialist stuff. Thanks, Sean.
Well, you obviusly haven't got a CLUE! Neither the people you know. The problem is that the mayority of the FFAA want just everything ''key's'' in hand (bought) and the governament does not want this, how do I know this? I work for a CITEFA contractor. (a very few examples of what the FAA is investigating).

It's very sad to see people from other countrys that come to live to Argentina and denigrate the Nation... Anyway, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Argentina: Pais generoso :D

Just saw this comment. When I meant no military to speak off, I did not mean it literally. I meant that it is extremely weak. Argentina literally has enough military preparation to repel an invasion for...4 minutes. The current government has gutted the military (which is understandable and probably something I am in favor for). If you think otherwise, then it is you who are woefully misinformed. Also, how in the world could you possibly consider that this comment is denigrating Argentina? The fact that this country does not have a strong military is not denigrating the country. In fact, I rather like this about Argentina. My only problem with this is that the military is not prepared for national emergencies, like a natural disaster.

Why is is it that whenever I make any (supposed) negative comment on this site, I am criticized for it. However, when I make a positive comment about Argentina, I am also criticized. It is not a perfect country, nor is it a terrible country. I am a permanent resident who has lived here for years. My daughters were born here and wife is from here. I can criticize or praise this nation however I want to.
Paraguay should invade Argentina to take back the lands stolen by Argentina during the War of the Triple Alliance and the aftermath of Argie carpetbaggers (and you thought Yanqui carpetbaggers were bad!)

Now is the time for Paraguay to invade since all the Argentine soldiers are busy protecting LCD TV inventories or training for the Las Malvinas invasion.

Recent Economist article on War of the Triple Alliance: http://www.economist...d-blight-nation
Paraguay could bring Argentina to its knees, stop selling surplus energy to Argentina from Itaipu Dam. Argentina is only $100 million dollars in the rears already.
In case you missed it nine months ago, Sean Penn has Argentina's back when it come to Las Malvinas:

He has no clue if he's still addressing this as a colonial issue. Not one.Seriously.


He was allegedly porking THIS when he came down to BA. So maybe we can disregard most of his comments as being the results of the little head taking over.
