The Science Behind It

I've had multiple Argentines tell me that Americans must be obese because we eat a large breakfast in the morning, often with (gasp!) eggs. Can't think of anything else specific to here. Every place has its odd beliefs.

In general, I'm always amused by this intense fear of the cold that occurs in countries where it doesn't get that cold. My husband is from a Caribbean climate that is hot and humid all year round. His parents' apartment doesn't even have hot water, because it's not necessary. But apparently, one a year, a ​bris​a comes through that gets everyone sick. The low temperatures there never dip below 80F/27C (and those are the low temps at, like, 4 a.m.), but once a year this breeze supposedly strikes everyone down with a horrible cold. In Madrid during the winter, my roommate was always horrified when I'd walk from my bedroom to the bathroom barefoot or in flip-flops. It was right across the hall, but she was convinced I'd get sick if I didn't wear socks during the winter at all times. I did get a nasty cold once, but I just refuse to believe it's because I didn't wear socks all the time in my own home.

That strikes me, at one time a long time ago in Madrid, they used to tell me, Oye Japones el frio te va a pasmar!
I love these, I hear them all the time from my girlfriend.

You should eat steak which is the size of your palm.

If you drink alcohol while take medicine the medicine stops working (regardless of what the medicine is).

No matter what ailment you have, you need to go to the doctor so they can 'control' it. Since additionally you have to see a specialist, this involves 2hrs of waiting in lines for every sneeze.

A person(woman) is never overweight they are just hinchada and obviously need to drink more laxative yougurt.

If you don't feel well it must mean you're blood preasure is low.

Yerba Mate absolutely does not have caffeine in it, it has mateine which is completely different.

I'm sure I'll think of some more.
If you drink alcohol while take medicine the medicine stops working (regardless of what the medicine is).

Yerba Mate absolutely does not have caffeine in it, it has mateine which is completely different.

I think it's generally accepted that antibiotics and alcohol don't mix. Mixing painkillers and alcohol is also problematical.

Once, in La Rioja, I met a former Mormon missionary who had returned to Argentina to do some orchard farming and had a mate habit. When I asked about it, he said the Church didn't know enough to place it on their no-no list like coffee, tea and alcohol.
I'll give stevia a try, can it be used to cook? The sugar they sell here is less sweet than the one sold in Italy, I made cakes that were no sweet at all (recipes I made also in Italy).

It can be used to sweeten stuff but not for feeding yeast etc...

Also check the stevia is actually stevia and not stevia mixed with with sweetners.
My friend likes to use more than 2 eggs for an omelette and his friends went nuts.

If you puke from drinking too much you must have gotten food poisoning, even if
we all ate the same food.

Americans like highfives (I still have no idea why they think we do this all the time lol)

Nepotism isn't a bad thing/every country does it

You can print more money without there being negative side effects (only works for Japan)

Dulce de leche is good

Fernet is good

I'd list more Argentinaisms but they'd start to sound like a rant :p