The Truth About Che Guevara


Nov 2, 2014
Wow a very deprived degenerate and so it seems a pervert that even enjoyed torturing animals.
Undoubtedly faults can and,will be,found with this analysis.However,several economic truisms come directly to my mind wihout going into poitical theory comparisions,etc.As Lita de.Lazzari,the foundress of Argentina's 1st Consumer Protection Agency in the 1990s (the League of Housewives) who died yesterday,used to tell her listeners ,"Señora, busque precio"." Madam,look for the best price". "Caminen,chicas,caminen". "Shop around,girls,shop around". ECONOMY is based on PRICE is one that Molyneux points out as well as voluntary free trade.Keynesian theories work for a certain time and under certain conditions but not ad infinitum and with high inflation.Oh,excuse me,Cristina I meant to say" price fluctuation".Maybe this is why people have begun saving again in Argentina and Kirchnerism is failing to restart heavy consumerism.
Surprisingly,given that Che Guevara was something of an Argentine leftist internatonal hero there have been no further comments.When I was in Cuba in 2005,I visited with Cuan friends the museum -monument in Santa Clara where he was then buried before being brought back to Rosario.Maybe Cristina was able to meet a maid in the Hotel Nacional where she stayed in Havana who reverently kept a faded photo of "el Che" at her workplace..But the opinions of the Cubans I met there were not nearly as worshiping.As Gloria Alvarez so adroitly pointed out in her video,had the Cuan elite made a previous renouncement of even some of their wealth and the U.S.embassador not been so "bungeling" as Moleynuex pointed out,Che Guevara might have ended up as just some poor "wanna be" revolutonary on the "pampas".
No one who ever lived under communism worships Che Guevara. This is something that the wannabes and clueless do, from the confort of their capitalist, middle-class existences.
Che Guevara was a political bumbler who was a constant thorn in the side of Castro. He objectively was a military failure, getting hundreds of his men killed making tactical mistakes that no self-respecting Second Lieutenant on his / her first day in combat would ever make.

The mistake was hunting him down and killing him. If he had lived then the mystique and legend would not have overshadowed who/what he really was.
For the vast majority of Argentines, these "cult' figures were not in either their thoughts or for many "fomd"memories.
I was in Rosario with a free afternoon having been there many times so I thought, well, I 'll see where Guevara was born. Most Rosarinos had no idea! I did find the house with little markings. I don't know if anyone remembers a pre-Andrew LLoyd Weber Recoleta? No tourists walking about asking "EVITA"! The only ones who went to or knew where Eva's grave was were Peronists or historians.But Hollywood, Broadway and t-shirts can have a huge impact on "who was or is important" in the history of a country.
Having studied Latin American revolutions in detail, I can say this - he was flawed. He was deeply flawed.

So was Gandhi.

Che's frustration with the structures he fought were separate (and justified) from how he lived his personal life. Hence his iconic status.

Unfortunately, his message about how to confront those structures was the opposite of Gandhi's. He was a doctor who lost his way having witnessed evil, and in choosing violence as his vehicle for change, showing there would be no compromise, he personally exacerbated the right wing's evil.