Thinking To Live In Buenos Aires Seasonally

I want to thank everyone who has added a comment. All very encouraging. More thoughts are welcome.
Last 3 summers were bad, if you had to work around the city. But If you are here to enjoy life, using blue and like hot, it's perfect. And you can always jump in some nicer place in Argentina. Even if I complain a lot, I think for seasonal expats half of bad things don't exist. Of course buying property should be done after at least one season living here, money in/out can be real pain in the ass...
You haven't spent August in Philadelphia or Atlanta...
Actually I have.... I prefer August in Buenos Aires

Last 3 summers were bad, if you had to work around the city. But If you are here to enjoy life, using blue and like hot, it's perfect. And you can always jump in some nicer place in Argentina. Even if I complain a lot, I think for seasonal expats half of bad things don't exist. Of course buying property should be done after at least one season living here, money in/out can be real pain in the ass...

I don't think Buenos Aires is a bad place to be a seasonal expat, to the contrary. I just think if you have to pick a season you go for spring or fall with the crisp air, decent temps and beautiful colors. Summer is dense humid heat that makes it hard to breath and concentrates the not so pleasant smells of the overcrowded metropolis.
I am spending one in Atlanta right now. I've had worse, but I'm guessing summer in BA is more like one in New Orleans or Savannah. Lacoqueta, when does seersucker season begin down there. Is October too early?
Upstate NY winters vs BsAs summers - I'll take BsAs summers hands down! Yes, Jan is unpleasant here but one month of excess heat vs 6+ months of unrelenting grey winters - I pick heat :)

Plus summers in upstate NY are absolutely the most lovely time of the year. :) 75/80 with a breeze - perfect :)
I am spending one in Atlanta right now. I've had worse, but I'm guessing summer in BA is more like one in New Orleans or Savannah. Lacoqueta, when does seersucker season begin down there. Is October too early?

Never. It's an Atlanta thing.