This Is Argentina

Oh, I don't think there's going to be big desertion on the part of Scioli's supporters. Particularly if they listen to Massa saying he's going to support the winner of BA Province, which was Scioli.

Also vidal was a winner of the Ba Provincia as Governador.

Fernandez this morning at his Press delivery showed big lip injury, ?? B)

?Blue Down 50 cents Macri. will eliminate the Cepo..!!
Macri will win the runoff. My lecture is that the Ks divided the country into two opposed halves, so the vote is K or anti-K. And clearly, the Ks had only 35% and the rest 65%, including Massa, was anti K. Even Massa winked Macri in his last night speech, he said something like "the change has arrived".

So Massa's votes are anti-K and they will go to Macri.
Can't wait until things re-adjust after much needed policies are introduced and Macri gets all the blame. Even though it was Cristina who fucked it up all and has been digging the deep holes and covering them up.
Anibal will soon go back to his origins in Quilmes after dec 10th..... B)

Massa won't support Scioli unless he wants to put an end to any progress the Frente Renovador has managed to make in the past few years. It has been all about him trying to say he's different than the FpV and building his base beyond, well, Tigre. If he now supports Scioli, he will be throwing a lot of his work out the window. If he sides with Macri he can continue with his claim of being different than the FpV, he can continue to work on expanding his base and, maybe, come into the running in 4 years.

Then again, Francisco de Narvaez seems to have had no issue with flip-flopping all over the place, but he's lost whatever miniscule shred of credibility he had left in doing so. I can't believe him -- he's sided with Macri, he's sided with Massa, and now he's backing Scioli?? How easily can he be bought?? I don't think anyone will touch Narvaez with a 10 foot pole from now on.
Massa: La gente dijo que no quiere continuidad.

Massa wants to go with Macri. Macri wants Massa's support because he can't win without it. We'll find out for sure pretty soon (because things can change depending on what Massa's demands) but I think its all but set that Massa is with Macri. Now whether that translates to Massa's supporters following his lead or not is a completely different matter.
Any bets on Scioli packing it in before the big day?

It has happened before....