fred mertz said:
I read that a new bill is going into effect that extends the maternity leave to 6 months and 25 days ( that sounds like charging $6.95 instead of $7.00) ...... for daddies !!!! I wonder what it had been? How many years off with pay and probably benefits do mommies get? Just another reason why prices are so high. A business will have to pay mommy and daddy and the people who have to take their place. Thirty days for mommy and 5 days for daddy;DNA test required is my way of thinking.
The law is to extend maternity leave to 6 months and paternity leave to 25 days. Currently maternity leave is different from province to province, some as little as 42 days (which is why the daycares take from 42 days on) and others (Cordoba province) are 6 months. In Capital currently most women are lucky if they get 3 months.
Paternity leave is 2 days. There was talk to extend it to 10 days a few years ago and the bill didn't pass.
Anyone who thinks that 6 mos is too much for a mum is just an a&&hole and obviously has never had kids (OP does not have any as far as I know). Until 3 mos you don't really even feel like you can function, and until 4 mos you don't start to feel close to normal. I don't understand why an office would even want someone that is barely able to form a sentence to come back to work.
A friend of mine in NYC is a contract lawyer -- her boss was pressuring her to come back after 3 weeks -- really? Really? that's what they want? They truly want someone back in the office that is dealing with a few hours of sleep and still can barely sit down properly due to the physical effects of having been in labour for 18 hours sitting at her desk and trying to concentrate on multi-million dollar contracts while all she can think is how engorged her boobs are, how painful it is to move, and hoping she can get an ice pack on her episiotomy stitches ASAP? And then if she makes a mistake in the wording of a contract that costs the company millions, will they truly feel that was the best person to have on the job?
Really Fred, I challenge you to push a canteloupe out of your penis and deal with the stitches every time you pee, bleed out for 6 weeks straight, have painfully engorged breasts and survive on 4 hrs of sleep -- AND tote around a creature that is one hundred percent dependent on you to survive, and then you can tell me whether or not you really feel like sitting down at your desk after 30 days -- if you can even sit, thanks t the painful haemerrhoids you may have been left with after carrying all of that weight around on your pelvis for 10 months. Then you can tell me whether or not you think 30 days is reasonable.
I don't even need you to do the above -- just do me a favour, go to sleep at 1030pm. Get up at midnight for 1 hrs. Go back to sleep for 1 hr. Get up at 2am for 1.5hrs. Go back to sleep at 330am for 1.5hrs. Get up at 5am for 1hr. Go back to sleep for 1hr. At 7am take a 5mins shower. Then since you don't have a newborn just run around the house half-naked trying to do 10 tasks at once for 1.5hrs to mimic the hectic nature of morning with a baby. At 8:30am grab an unpressed shirt, a pair of pants with just a touch of vomit on them, and head out the door. Take a Russian novel with you. Go sit and try to concentrate on that thing for 8 hrs straight, no nap time. By 5 pm I want a full dissection of the plot developments in chapters 22, 14, 9, 31, and 3 -- in that particular order just to mimic the scatterbrained feeling most new mothers would have. When you get home, DO NOT SLEEP. you're not allowed. That would be cheating. Instead when you get home make sure to run around doing laundry, cooking dinner, and keeping yourself busy with anything but sitting down for 2 mins.
See how you'd feel after a couple of days of this? It's how run down a women with a 1 or 2 month old baby is. A newborn needs to eat every 2-3 hours. Unfortunately because they are newborn and their suction reflex isn't fully developed yet, it can take them 1.5 hrs to eat. That means you get a 30 mins break and then you're feeding them again -- because it's 2hrs from the START of one feeding to the START of the next. Once they're a few months old things start to get much more manageable, but the first 2-3 months are a doozy.
As a new mum you can see that even 5 months on I'm rather emotional about this argument against maternity leave. I'm obviously pasionnate, a tad bit angry, and perhaps even a little close to going off the rails about it. I'm still lacking in sleep and I've definitely lost it on a few people the past few months. I am extraordinarily easily distracted at work and tasks are taking me much longer to complete. My productivity is down. And I got side-tracked this morning by some jerk who says 6 months is too much mat leave. I'd say I'm still sleep deprived that I'm moody enough that were I to encounter the OP in real life this morning I would certainly throw a glass of water in his face. You really think you'd want me in your office after only 30 days of mat leave? I don't.