Timeline For Moving To Bsas


I had three questions, before I offer any advice.

aa. Are you the one with blond hair or the one with dark hair?

bb) Were you born in 1904?

cc) Are you serious or are you just 'joking'

Hahaha I'm 100% serious sir, however I don't know how keen I am on taking advice if it is dependent on my physical appearance...
Something I think we can all agree on is once you've been bitten by the BsAs bug, no amount of subte petty theft, lack of spicy food, or occasional step in dog shit can truly deter our love for this crazy and equally amazing city.

When you have just arrived to Buenos Aires, it looks like an adventure. The longer you stay though, the more you have the feeling you are living in a psychiatric institution.

Go and get there, have fun, but plan on going back home after a while!

I lived in Buenos Aires for a year, I had a great time, I had a bad breakup with my girlfriend and I needed to be back home to recover. I have been home for over a year now and things are going smoothly again. I am planning to visit Buenos Aires again next year, but just as a holiday, living there permanently is not advisable.
cc) Are you serious or are you just 'joking'

She just sounds like ARbound. I think he was very positive about Buenos Aires initially. At the end of his stay he sounded like this: http://baexpats.org/topic/30832-leaving-argentina-the-great-escape/

We can warn people, but typically they only want to hear what they want to believe. And they can only believe what they see...
She sounds like the hundreds of clueless young Americans roaming around Plaza Serrano every day and telling anyone who would listen how this city is so much more exciting than North Dakota, like OMG. We certainly need more of them around here.

EDIT: I'm glad you have a good sense of humor, Jessica. You'll definitely need it if you're here for the long haul :)
When you have just arrived to Buenos Aires, it looks like an adventure. The longer you stay though, the more you have the feeling you are living in a psychiatric institution.

Go and get there, have fun, but plan on going back home after a while!

I lived in Buenos Aires for a year, I had a great time, I had a bad breakup with my girlfriend and I needed to be back home to recover. I have been home for over a year now and things are going smoothly again. I am planning to visit Buenos Aires again next year, but just as a holiday, living there permanently is not advisable.

No I totally agree! I'm not so naive as to assume that life will be a grand adventure when I arrive, as it wasn't exactly perfect while I was there this past year! However I guess with graduating university in spring, I'm in that very cliche stage in my life where I figure I'm young enough to do something a little crazy and go life in another country for at least a year. 5 months wasn't enough for me...I'm ready to come back and see what else Buenos Aires wants to throw at me haha
She sounds like the hundreds of clueless young Americans roaming around Plaza Serrano every day and telling anyone who would listen how this city is so much more exciting than North Dakota, like OMG. We certainly need more of them around here.

HAHAHA oh my gosh this made my day! I don't even mean that sarcastically haha, I live in San Diego so whenever I tell people I'm leaving for BA, everyone thinks I'm crazy for leaving such a great city...but I'm glad I can make your life more interesting once I arrive!

p.s I'm pretty sure I was roaming the Japanese gardens when I said that... :)
A couple of months before your trip, you try to check out this temporary apt rental site that I used in the past: www.studiocharcas.com.
After so many years of travelling back and forth, August 2015 is also my timelime for moving to BA. You need to follow your heart. I wish you good luck.
After so many years of travelling back and forth, for moving to BA. You need to follow your heart. I wish you good luck.

Thats the right way to do it. Make several trips here before committing to live here.

Many people envisage living here for rest of their lives without ever coming here.