Tony Benn's Advice Re: Cfk

As an American my heart wants to be ashamed, but my brain is thinking maybe that's not a bad thing. Do you want, in a democracy, enough people dependent on the government for their income to swing an election?


Do you want, in a democracy, people to starve and/or die of ailments that could be arrested or prevented with appropriate care? Or do you prefer them to go to the emergency room when they're too far gone to save, at much higher cost?
I don't see why other parliamentary systems are able to hold no-confidence votes (with all of the logistics and replacement structures) but in the US the populace has to wait 2-4 years to have some kind of voice. Might this explain why there is such an atrocious gap between what the public wants to see implemented and the policies that eventually get put into place? The Iraq war, the Cuba blockade, the war on drugs, single-payer healthcare.... It all shows the US to be a very undemocratic country.

I think in the US that most elected officials can be "recalled". But, if I am right about that, I don't understand why we don't exercise that option much more often.

I think in the US that most elected officials can be "recalled". But, if I am right about that, I don't understand why we don't exercise that option much more often.


Recall rules vary from state to state, but you usually need to submit a petition with signatures from a certain percentage of registered voters from the previous election. In some cases, I believe, the legislature can put a recall on the ballot. There could conceivably be a special election (as if we don't already have too many elections, at federal, state and local levels).
Cameron could also be outed and replaced with some other etonian at the wishes of his own party. See Thatcher.

John Major replaced Thatcher in that coup as far as I recall and he was far from being an Etonian.
In CFK's case, she should be removed for sheer incompetence, amongst other things.
John Major replaced Thatcher in that coup as far as I recall and he was far from being an Etonian.
In CFK's case, she should be removed for sheer incompetence, amongst other things.

I agree she's incompetent, but it would still be better for the country if she finished her term. Argentina needs an orderly institutional turnover of government.
John Major replaced Thatcher in that coup as far as I recall and he was far from being an Etonian.
In CFK's case, she should be removed for sheer incompetence, amongst other things.

Yeah those were the days that politicians weren't all from eton.
Sorry, couldn't resist.

I won't disagree with that. Argentine needs both orderly government and an orderly change of government. I'm guessing, though, that the current regime will leave everything in such a disastrous state that, when its successor takes necessary measures, the Cámporas will echar the culpa for abandoning the "model."
Do you want, in a democracy, people to starve and/or die of ailments that could be arrested or prevented with appropriate care? Or do you prefer them to go to the emergency room when they're too far gone to save, at much higher cost?

Gee, NO!, I do not want a democracy in which people starve and/or die of ailments that could be arrested or prevented with appropriate care. I remain concerned about a democracy in which enough people depend on the government for their income to swing an election. Does that make me a heartless son-of-a-bitch?

2 wolves and a sheep vote on whats for dinner?