Tourists Destroying The Economy!

sure open source is great, i run a linux media device, use various linux servers for various things and have local linux virtual machines. (not to mention using android etc.)

Bitcoin being peer to peer is what makes it impossible to scale. There's currently talk about making some bitcoins on a blacklist preventing them from being moved/used. It could quite easily result in another fork of the bitcoin chain. so who then decides which fork to use? last time it forked it was decided by 3-4 people who forced their mining pools to mine mine the alternative chain. That's not exactly decentralised is it?


Bitcoins aren't the future, they're a proof of concept which their creator quickly ran away from when the current lot of zealots started to get involved.
Yes, I read about the "selfish" secretive miners group threat a few weeks back, the bitcoin network is too big for a large group of 'black hat miners' to be able to subvert the system.. you'd need to attract 'happy miners' in order to succeed & the 'incentive' to go the evil route is lower given that if you're an 'honest' miner, joining a 'bad miner' pool is most likely to undermine your own current bitcoin stock values (the temptation for the good guys to join the bad guys). I know that this is a theoretical possibility but in practice , given the sheer size of the bitcoin network, highly unlikely in my humble opinion.
It's interesting that someone brought up buttcoins in a thread discussing the blue rate. Both only exist (at least in their current form) as long as "the powers that be" allow them to. Bitcoin could, for all practical purposes, be shutdown within a day. Likewise for our beloved dollar blue. Sure, both would or could continue to exist, but would be pushed further underground. That would probably make the "black and blue" rate skyrocket. No clue about the value of buttcoins.
Why is it that every thread on this forum turns into an argument of name calling and "funny" names as if the members are a bunch of pissed off children. Now we have "buttcoins". Great!
Why is it that every thread on this forum turns into an argument of name calling and "funny" names as if the members are a bunch of pissed off children. Now we have "buttcoins". Great!

Oh great, the thread nanny is back. Have you read your own posts? You're guilty of everything you incessantly whine about.

Edit: BTW, I didn't invent the term buttcoin.
Why is it that every thread on this forum turns into an argument of name calling and "funny" names as if the members are a bunch of pissed off children. Now we have "buttcoins". Great!
"buttcoins"? isn't that the way it's pronounced by New Zealanders? ;) :eek: :angry: :D one, two three, four, five, sex, seven...

the yanks are debating bitcoins just now :D
They can try to control, ban or regulate all they want, if you can't shut down the net, you can't shut down bitcoin.
This is the biggest threat to Banksters since banking began. They are trembling in their boots, the fact they have been forced to hold a debate about bitcoin is in some form an admission that the time for a serious change has arrived. This will only help to drive the price up even more. I'll put my money on it, fasten seat belts -turbulence ahead :D .