Curiously enough, today we were forced to take an unexpected day out due to heavy maintenance in our apartment (hours of jackhammering).
First, we spent 3 hours in our bathroom (the only place not interested by the works), with litter, food, myself and our safety blanket, during which Serafina was on my lap the whole time.
Then they started jackhammering downstairs, and she jumped and was VERY scared, so we arranged to go to a family member's.
We took a 15 mins ride by car, went to a new and big apartment with our litter box, our food plates, etc.
The car ride was okay (anyway it was very short). At the new place she was curious and scared at the same time. After a short exploratory trip she came on my lap and she has been sleeping like a baby for a solid hour.
We will be back tomorrow and every day until Friday at least. She is mostly scared by the new persons she is meeting in the apartment. Now that it is just the two of us, she doesn't seem too scared.
I am not happy of this arrangement, and I am also worried that our place won't be the same for the next THREE WEEKS. They put cardboard on the floor and to cover the kitchen cupboards, then they taped plastic sheets all over, from the ceiling to the floor. They taped the wardrobe, the fridge, the washing machine, the bed, EVERYTHING.
She won't be able to play and the house will be filled in dust (they segregated also the vacuum cleaner - jeez!)
Back to cat-travelers...
Let's see how this goes, we don't plan on making Colonia runs with her, but it would be nice to take her to Mar del Plata with us, provided she is cool with that.
I agree with all that citygirl said, provided that the cat was not accustomed in tender age.
Cat on a leash - I believed it was an all American thing - I researched about it in the past because we were going to fly to Argentina with our beloved cat who passed before our departure date. We bought a
cat harness in the US which is TSA compliant (meaning it has no metallic parts and won't alert the security scanner). I am not sure they have such harnesses in Argentina (we returned our since we no longer had a cat).
The idea of taking her out on a leash to enjoy some lawn time is tempting, but 1) I don't know a safe and quiet place suitable for a cat 2) the harness would be pretty annoying when running and chasing bugs.
Thank you all for your inputs.